Languages, Countries & Currencies

It is one of the great paradoxes of the modern world, that while business and commerce is increasingly global, most customers are still local, and expect (to various degrees) to be served in their local language and currency.

And so, ironically, internationalization often means localization – conforming to local standards.

In Dynamicweb, languages and localization is handled separately for the content and Ecommerce – to learn about translations and localization of content, please see the Websites & Language Layers article.

When working with Dynamicweb Ecommerce you have access to several types of tools for internationalization:

  • You can create Ecommerce languages, which allow you to localize context based fields e.g. product names, custom product fields, and so forth, and of course control which products should be available in which language contexts
  • You can create countries, and manage attributes related to them, e.g. country codes and default VAT and currency codes, and add regions to them if necessary.
  • You can create currencies related to the countries in which you do business, including exchange rates and currency-specific rounding methods
  • Finally, internationalization must also touch upon the wonderful world of sales taxes and VAT, locally and across borders – those topics are described in a dedicated article.

When you’ve created the languages, countries and currencies necessary for your setup, make sure you set a default country, language and currency on each website or language layer. Not doing so is one of the most common sources of WTFs in Dynamicweb.