Altapay (Valitor)
Altapay (Valitor) is an embeddable payment form for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.
Customers will be redirected to Altapay (Valitor) to complete the transaction so they don’t have to enter any sensitive information on your website.
The idea of the payment gateway is to allow your customers to perform secure payments without the feeling that they are leaving your web shop. This is possible because Altapay (Valitor) proxies the payment page from your website – keeping layout and visual identity. The Altapay (Valitor) payment gateway will inject a payment form which reflects the selected payment method (Credit Card, Bank Payment, etc.).
With Altapay (Valitor) it is possible for returning customers to save credit cards and use them later without re-entering their card number.
This guide will show you the basic setup of Altapay (Valitor) in Dynamicweb.
Checkout Handler
Once you have registered an account with Altapay (Valitor) you must create and configure a payment method in Dynamicweb.
To do so:
- Create or edit a payment method in Settings > Ecommerce > Orders > Payment
- Select the Altapay (Valitor) checkout handler and fill in the associated parameters (Figure 2.1)

Fill in the basic payment gateway settings:
- Live Gateway URL
- User name
- Password
- Terminal (retrieved from Altapay after saving valid credentials)
- Select a Payment type
- Select a language
In the template settings section select or create a form template and an error template - if left empty a default template from AltaPay will be used.
If you want to enable saved cards, check the Allow saving cards checkbox - you must also activate the Enable credit card token setting in Valitor.
The Notification success and Notification error settings allow you to set up automatic email notification whenever a payment has been processed with either a success or an error message.