
The website settings in the Settings tab let you configure your business information for Google to use in search results. In the Other section, you can enable wireframe mode and set up Google Maps API, Google Tag Manager, and Facebook Pixel.

You can use the Business website settings (Figure 2.1) to create an information box for your website's business to appear in Google search results.

Figure 2.1 Business settings

You can enter:

  • General information about your company e.g. name (of the address), address and CVR/number
  • Business name
  • Contact e-mail and number (will also be rendered in the email layout (Figure 2.2))
  • A business photo and business logo
  • The opening hours


Figure 2.2 Contact email and number information shown in emails

The website settings in the Other section let you:

  • Enable wireframe mode
  • Enter Google Maps API key
  • Enter Google Analytics tracking ID
  • Enter GoogleTagManager ID
  • Enter Facebook Pixel ID

Rapido features a dedicated wireframe mode (Figure 4.1) which removes all styling from a website and replaces it with grey. This makes it possible to focus on design elements and placements without getting distracted by colors and images.

Figure 4.1 Wireframe mode in frontend

This is sometimes a useful feature during the initial design phase when starting a new project.

Wireframe mode is enabled using the Wireframe mode setting in the Other section in website settings (Figure 4.2):

Figure 4.2 The Wireframe mode setting

The Google maps API key (Figure 5.1) is used for the parcel shop selector in the checkout flow and for apps like Maps

Figure 5.1 Google maps API key setting

The Google maps API key field in the Other website settings will be set as the default API key. If another API key is entered in the app settings, it will override the website settings.

Enhance Ecommerce with Google Analytics using Google Tag Manager. Google Analytics reports can e.g. show:

  • When customers added products to the cart
  • When customers started a checkout process
  • When the customer has completed a purchase

In the Settings tab, you can enter your Google Analytics tracking ID and your Google Tag Manager ID (Figure 6.1).

Figure 6.1 Insert your Google Analytics tracking ID and Google Tag Manager ID

You can read more about using Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics with Rapido in this article.

Using the Facebook Event Manager, you can generate a pixel ID. Insert this Facebook Pixel ID in the website setting (Figure 7.1) to link your website to your facebook page.

Figure 7.1 Insert your Facebook Pixel ID

You can read more about the Facebook Pixel here.

In the Images section (Figure 8.1), you can set an alternative image which is shown if the original image isn't found.

Figure 8.1 Set an alternative image