
This item is only compatible with Rapido 3.2 or earlier versions.

You can use the Rapido Content Model to create similar types of content.

Rapido supports a variety of apps including:

  • Product catalog
  • File Publishing
  • Maps
  • Gallery
  • Search Weighted
  • Sitemaps

These are accessed from the App view (Figure 2.1) on a paragraph. Below, you'll find information about the mentioned apps.

Figure 2.1 Attach apps to a paragraph to access the app settings

For more information about these or other apps, see the general Dynamicweb 9 documentation.

In Rapido, the product catalog is rendered with the Product Catalogue app using the Index option.

Figure 3.1 Product list rendered with the Product Catalogue app

To set up the app, you must create a new paragraph for your product list (Figure 3.2) and choose the Paragraph item type.

Figure 3.2 Create a new paragraph with the Paragraph item type

Then, go to App and attach the Product Catalogue app (Figure 3.3).

Figure 3.3 Attach the Product Catalogue app

In the first settings under Show, choose the Index option (Figure 4.1).

Figure 4.1 Choose the Index option

This will give you access to the specific Index settings (Figure 4.2). Select your products query you have set up in Repositories to render your products.

You can also:

  • Select facets connected to the specific query to filter the products in frontend with
  • Choose to override default parameters with input from filtering or search in frontend
  • Sort the products
Figure 4.2 The Index settings

In the Display settings (Figure 4.3), you can customize the:

  • Number of products per page
  • Number of characters shown of each product's teaser text
  • Sorting of the products

You can also choose to remove duplicate products.

Figure 4.3 The Display settings

The Templates settings (Figure 5.1) are a bit different from the usual Product Catalogue app's settings. The difference is that in Rapido, you can set the template for the:

  • Product list and the list feed
  • Product and the product feed

You can also change the template for the search and compare function and for No products found.

Figure 5.1 The Templates settings

The List template (Figure 5.2) and the List feed template can be changed to serve a specific purpose e.g. as a product list in a newsletter.

You can follow a guide to set up a product catalog from scratch in Rapido here.

For more information about the Product Catalogue app, see the general Dynamicweb 9 documentation.

Rapido supports the File Publishing app functionality publishing the content of a folder on your solution in frontend. Users can be allowed to download and upload files to the folder.

The File Publishing app has two layout templates that can be selected under Templates and List (Figure 6.1).


Figure 6.1 Change the List template with the App settings under Template

FilepublishList.cshtml displays a list view with the following information:

  • File name
  • Date
  • File size
  • An upload bar at the bottom
Figure 6.2 File Publishing app with List template

FilepublishTiles.cshtml displays a tiles view with the following information:

  • preview of the file
  • File name
  • Date
  • File size
  • An upload bar at the bottom
Figure 6.3 File Publishing app with Tiles template

For more information about the File Publishing app, see the general Dynamicweb 9 documentation.

Rapido supports the Maps app functionality with a Maps.cshtml template showing an interactive map and listing the address information below. It is possible to filter the address list using sort dropdown or using the search field. 

  • Shows specific users, user groups and / or smart searches
  • Displays the address information below or to the side (it is also possible to hide it completely)
  • It is possible to customize the default center, layout (map type, size, and zoom level) of the map
  • It is possible to customize the marker image and how to active a marker
Figure 8.1 The Maps app

For more information about the Maps app, see the general Dynmicweb 9 documentation

Rapido supports the Gallery app functionality displaying an image folder as a gallery with 4 images in each column.

Figure 9.1 The Gallery app

For more information about the Gallery app, see the general Dynamicweb 9 documentation.

Rapido supports the functionality the Search Weighted app that allows users to find relevant pages to specific topics. The search result is a weighted list with a ranking based on search terms and meta-tags for specific pages.

Figure 10.1 Search weighted result

For more information about the Search Weighted app, see the general Dynamicweb 9 documentation.

Rapido supports the Sitemaps app functionality displaying a tree of your website.

Figure 11.1 The Sitemaps app

For more information about the Sitemaps app, see the general Dynamicweb 9 documentation.