
A carousel is used to create a column presenting a carousel of images (Figure 1.1). The carousel can include up to five images and each image can have text, link and two buttons on it.

Figure 1.1 Frontend example of a carousel

The carousel item type has this icon (Figure 1.2).

Figure 1.2 Icon for the carousel item type

When using the item type, you firstly have a Content section with settings for the whole carousel (Figure 1.3).

Figure 1.3 Content section for the whole carousel

Here you can:

  • Give the carousel a title (can be hidden from the frontend result)
  • Choose to hide the dots at the bottom and/or the navigation arrows in the sides
  • Determine the slide time in seconds (set it to 0 if the slides should not shift automatically)

Then, for each slide, you have these following settings: A General section (Figure 2.1), Text section, Buttons section and Style section.

Figure 2.1 For each slide, you have a General section

In the General section, you can:

  • Select a slide image
  • Customize it using the crop mode, colorize function, and image filters

Then, you can add some text using the Text section (Figure 2.2).

Figure 2.2 For each slide, you have a Text section

You can add a title, text and apply a link to the slide (also covering the buttons).

The buttons are added with the Buttons section (Figure 2.3). Here, you can add up to two buttons, each with a title, link and a button layout.

Figure 2.3 For each slide, you have a Buttons section

At the end, we have the Style section (Figure 3.1).

Figure 3.1 For each slide, you have a Style section

Here, you can change the:

  • Horizontal and vertical alignment
  • Text color