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Extranet Folder settings
Hi guys, I am trying to protect the files in folder to only be downloadable if the user is autneticated. I have changed the Extranet folder setting in the Settings/Control Panel/Users, the folder is now marked with a lock but the files are still acce ...
Adrian Ursu
16/02/2018 13:27:54
Last post: 19/02/2018 00:36:31
Send user details - Default values
Hi, How do I change the default values for the fields in this form? Kind regards Mikkel Ulstrup ...
Mikkel Ulstrup
15/02/2018 22:17:21
Last post: 16/02/2018 10:03:40
Mail formular
Hello Dynamicweb & friends! I am doing a mail template with the 'formular for redakører' module and have an issue displaying text, coming from the formular. Currently the template fetches it by string text = GetString("Submit.MailText"); But this ...
Jakob Kristensen
13/11/2017 15:28:31
Last post: 12/02/2018 13:21:52
Can't import users (using csv from tutorials)
Followed the instructions at Downloaded the .csv file, placed in Files folder, and ... - can't check the "Allow email ...
08/02/2018 13:34:56
Last post: 08/02/2018 17:01:23
Using the CDN for cookieless domains
According to this: cookieless domains are recommended for static resources. I guess this makes sense and worth it if it is relatively easy to implement. So I was thinking about implementi ...
Imar Spaanjaars
08/02/2018 13:24:08
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Newsletter statistics shows empty data
Hi there, Sometimes we have no visisble data in links/recipients/engagement when opening a succesfully sent newsletter in the Marketing area. (in some cases I see an error on screen like "Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '430266/i ...
Peter Leleulya
08/02/2018 09:46:28
Last post: 08/02/2018 10:39:36
Printing a list of all orders for certain products
Another ecom quetion here from me. Is it possible to print a list of all orders for a product, on a product basis? Lets say I have many products, and the shop is set up so that I will typically get 20 to 40 orders pr product. I want to be able quickl ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
17/05/2016 16:23:04
Last post: 07/02/2018 13:30:55
URL for Items with language layers
Hi, I have some problems with URLs that are generated from Paragraph Items. The solution has 3 languages (2 language layers). I have an ItemPublisher that renders news and blog items. Example: When a news item is adde ...
Aki Ruuskanen
06/02/2018 11:31:11
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DW9 Page properties - advanced
Hi, We're did the "Cache" settings go on page-level in DW9? Is it completely removed, is there a checkbox to make it show ;-) or is it just hidden somewhere where I can't find it? ...
René Poulsen
01/02/2018 12:39:28
Last post: 02/02/2018 09:25:01
DataLists - Can't find PhoneBusiness field in any db table
Hi, Does anyone know where the UserManagement:User.PhoneBusiness resides in a DB table? I really can't find it anywhere... Trying to list users via DataLists, but that one column I can't find! ...
Jacob Storgaard Jensen
31/01/2018 21:06:56
Last post: 01/02/2018 13:23:02
Parameter of type system.boolean[] is rendered inconsistently
Hi guys, I am using a parameter of type system.boolean[] to filter if I show only variants or variants and standalone products. In the Product List Page I am supposed to make an ajax call to another page and pass all Query parameters exactly as they  ...
Adrian Ursu
30/01/2018 08:03:35
Last post: 01/02/2018 01:23:41
How to make the SMTP-option show up.
Hello! I am trying to set up my smtp-server locally so I can test some emailing functionality, but according to this link the smtp-options should be in ...
Oscar Romin
29/01/2018 16:58:57
Last post: 29/01/2018 17:27:09
Download multiple files / folder
I was wondering if it where possible to download multiple files and/or entire folders from the admin dashboard? Right now I'm only able to download one file at the time. If this is not a current feature, that would be a nice option to have. ...
Bjørn Kamfjord
12/01/2018 14:11:17
Last post: 29/01/2018 10:20:34
How to add super user
We are about 5 people working in backend of our Dynamic Web site. But theres just 2 super admins - Admin and Administrator (default?) How do we add more? ...
David Alexandersson
26/01/2018 10:26:29
Last post: 26/01/2018 12:14:14
Share login between 2 different areas
Hi Guys, I have a solution with 2 different areas matching 2 different DNS, however the login should be shared between the 2 areas/DNS. Is this possible? DW version is the 9.3.9 Thanks, Ricardo ...
Ricardo Pereira
24/01/2018 16:06:28
Last post: 26/01/2018 10:17:30
Changes to ItemTypes paragraphs are not saved
Hi Guys, We have received a couple of complaints from a few customers about situations where changes done to a paragraph are not saved. They say they have to make the changes a few times before they are actually saved on the paragraph. I know it's ha ...
Adrian Ursu
25/01/2018 17:39:18
Last post: 25/01/2018 17:51:54
Can access files, though I'm not supposed to have permission to do so
Hi guys, DW has a feature to put permissions on a folder in Files, just as you would on pages, to make sure only users with the right logins can see them. Although, I find that this does not work on files. I can still access the files if I have the l ...
Eva Rasmussen
05/10/2017 13:54:56
Last post: 25/01/2018 16:13:26
Add page break when generating PDF
Hi Guys, I am using the &pdf=true&print=true paramters to generate a proforma invoice for orders placed. Everything is fine for orders with a few Orderlines. As soon as I get more than 10 orderlines, the height of the page requires a new page ...
Adrian Ursu
23/01/2018 12:54:20
Last post: 23/01/2018 16:40:26
Deployment tool - fields were not created in the database
Hi, Using the deployment tool in 9.3.7 I moved Product field definitions around and although they showed up, the columns were not created in the database until I clicked "Save and close" on each field. I noticed that when trying to setup an integrati ...
Nuno Aguiar
12/12/2017 11:39:39
Last post: 23/01/2018 13:16:05
CORS Error with DW calls on HTTPS website
Hello forum! I ran into a problem with a CORS due to Client <--> Netscaler being on HTTPS but Netscaler <--> DW backend being on HTTP. For example when I try to fetch news in the admin frontpage I get this console error: "Mixed Content: T ...
Snaevar Petursson
04/01/2018 15:39:04
Last post: 23/01/2018 09:07:59