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Override the page content type
Hi, Is it possible to override the page content type by adding an extra parameter to the url? The same way that it can be done with the Layout by adding a LayoutTemplate parameter BR Thomas ...
Thomas Larsen
22/01/2018 23:25:47
Last post: 23/01/2018 08:50:34
Domain for Preview page
Hi guys, I have noticed in several projects that after moving from a deve domain to the live domain, the "Show Page" option from backend tries to open the page for preview using the development domain even if I set the production domain as default. I ...
Adrian Ursu
18/01/2018 09:55:15
Last post: 19/01/2018 01:10:54
Different Navigation depth for different trees
Hi Guys, I am looking for a solution to list a different number of navigation levels for each tree (in this case meaning different level 1 pages). The reson I have this request is that we need to list 3 levels of navigation. That can be easily accopl ...
Adrian Ursu
11/12/2017 19:11:58
Last post: 18/01/2018 10:26:08
RenderItemList and ItemPublisher
Hi, I need to change the paging parameters in a Razor-template, when using the ItemPublisher on a paragraph, in order to make a "Read more" functionality without javascript. I've tried to use the RenderItemList instead, but then need to get the numbe ...
Kurt Moskjær Andersen
08/12/2017 09:15:29
Last post: 18/01/2018 09:43:59
Export language layer with data integration
Can anyone help me with an "idiot-safe" way of exporting a certain language layer out of several in the same DW9 solution. I know I probably have to use the Data Integration module, but I'm not sure how to do it?? Regards, Lise ...
Lise T. Pedersen
24/11/2017 09:08:59
Last post: 18/01/2018 09:42:16
Error when using ItemRelation field on Page ItemType
Hi Guys, I have this solution running (latest version). I have set a field of type ItemRelation on the PageItemtype for storing some relations with other pages. Thisng look very good for pages where I add this property. For some reason, for  ...
Adrian Ursu
10/01/2018 12:27:37
Last post: 18/01/2018 09:38:40
Hide Navigation / modules in Admin portal
Hi, Is there any way that we can hide the modules and navigation link in admin portal? The requirement is that customer will have warehouse and finance user who only need to access the orders and do upselling / editing of order, print order, change o ...
Thaw Htun Lynn
01/12/2017 10:26:19
Last post: 18/01/2018 09:33:23
Ensure unique urls
Hi I'm having trouble making Google behave as I want them to behave;) Google has indexed a lot of my language pages with the master domain (i.e. instead of Is it correct, that I can solve the problem by ti ...
Thomas Schroll
11/01/2018 11:07:15
Last post: 18/01/2018 09:29:57
Product Group Publication
Hi Anybody have idea what is the best way of auto publish the product group from the front end menu? The scenario go like this, there was a promotion product group say call "Chinese New Year Essentials" where products related to this group will be at ...
Tan Pang Lin
16/01/2018 05:27:47
Last post: 16/01/2018 10:28:28
My List input value between inverted commas/apostrophe
Hi, Using 9.3.10, we noticed that tag GetString("Ecom:CustomerCenter.List.Name.Input") is not rendering accurately when the list name has an inverted comma/apostrophe. This is common in English for names like "Girfriend's wishlist" https://www.screen ...
Nuno Aguiar
15/01/2018 16:15:35
Last post: 15/01/2018 17:16:33
404 with language layers and one domain
Hi, Is it possible to (without a hack) get a 404 response per language layer if you are using one domain for all language layers? Regards / Aki ...
Aki Ruuskanen
07/12/2017 15:50:37
Last post: 15/01/2018 14:51:45
Language versions and Items
I have a solution (version 9.3.8) with a master language (english) and 2 language versions (Swedish, German). In that solution we have a "repository page" with paragraphs containing blogg items. On another page we have a Item Publisher that renders t ...
Aki Ruuskanen
12/01/2018 10:22:09
Last post: 15/01/2018 12:39:27
The editor "throws out" Font Awesome
the editor automatically deletes font avesome, like: <i class="fa fa-facebook" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-instagram" aria-hidden="true"></i> I have tried setting the configu ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
20/03/2017 14:28:35
Last post: 12/01/2018 15:09:21
Issue with "Lock language versions"
Hi, We encountered an issue with the "Lock language versions". I understand that it locks the language version so they cannot be edited. We have one solution with a number of languages with different content in the different language versions. For so ...
Aki Ruuskanen
11/01/2018 13:30:39
Last post: 11/01/2018 14:02:15
Add a domain in email marketing
Hello, I have a question about adding a sender domain for Email Marketing. I know that I have to add the domain in "website properties" and add a binding in IIS zo it will show in the hostheaders. The problem is that is a Azure hosted solution. And m ...
Harald Brouwers
08/12/2017 11:46:48
Last post: 09/01/2018 16:46:37
New language layer from master
Hi, This might be a stupid question but I can't see how I can create a new language layer from the master language AND get copies of pages and paragraphs. The language layer that is created only has pages on the first level and no paragraphs. Regards ...
Aki Ruuskanen
18/12/2017 08:57:57
Last post: 09/01/2018 13:20:39
Can't select User Repository query as source for newsletter
Hi there, Running 9.3.5, I can't select a repository query as the source for a newsletter. When expanding the Users node (at around 0:24 in the the video), nothing happens and my queries don't show up.The queries do show up (and return values) under  ...
Imar Spaanjaars
20/10/2017 22:42:45
Last post: 07/01/2018 22:13:20
Language Management deactivate new pages
Hi DynamicWeb, When using language management and checking the checkbox "Deactivate new pages", the pages on the language layers are not actually unpublished as I would have thought (and our customer would like), they are however set as "Hide in menu ...
Rasmus Andersen
04/01/2018 14:25:55
Last post: 05/01/2018 14:33:47
Image Setting effect on performance
Hi When I set Image Settings active , the system keeps creating images . So it's taking up the CPU memory . Please adivse me is there anyway to resize the images in folder. I am using Rapido Beta 1 and Application(9.3.5). Thanks Tin Ma Ma ...
Tin Ma Ma
03/01/2018 11:47:51
Last post: 05/01/2018 12:36:09
Default Address not change in checkout page
Hi I logged in the website ,added the product to the cart and then changed the default address in my profile page. But the billing address (default address) didn't change in checkout page. Please advise me how can I solve it. Thanks Tin Ma Ma ...
Tin Ma Ma
03/01/2018 12:55:52
Last post: 05/01/2018 05:08:46