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Information in user confirmation email in the Extranet/Intranet app
Hi I am using the Extranet/Intranet app for newsletter signup. I have set up a "Create profile" form using the app. Now In the template "usermanagement\createprofile\user_email_confirmation.cshtml" I would like to show which newletter groups (user gr ...
Lars Larsen
09/11/2017 11:45:28
Last post: 10/11/2017 08:45:00
Thumbs up for the search on
Hi Thank you for the new search here on I love the speed of the search and the filters are great when you know where to look for your answers. I don't use Google any longer when I want to find information on the doc site. Great wo ...
Lars Larsen
09/11/2017 10:05:10
Last post: 09/11/2017 10:56:25
Too many redirects
Hey all, We're encountering a real weird issue in one of our solutions. When you go to the page you'll get an error in Chrome that there are too many redirects. I don't have confirmation it happening in any other b ...
André van der Zijden
08/11/2017 16:21:12
Last post: 08/11/2017 17:15:17
Images looking weird after uploading
Hi, Our customer upload images in different filemaps, at the beginning it looks thta everything is correct. But some of the images are looking strange at one time, weird pixels. See: Our client uploaded an image an ...
Mannon Wekking
17/10/2017 15:53:19
Last post: 08/11/2017 16:11:10
How does Dw log user activity exactly (including before and after login)
If I start a Dw session as a user and surf around the website without being logged in, once I log in (say, to make a purchase), will all of my activity for that session get tracked or just the activity AFTER I log in? ...
Sean Meade
08/11/2017 03:30:10
Last post: 08/11/2017 15:16:07
Canonical url in meta
Hello guys, How is this canonical URL meant to work? I have checked both options in Management center/Web and Http/Customized URL, restarted IIS and I still don't get any canonical URL in meta. Now what? Is there any tag I need to add in Master file? ...
Adrian Ursu
27/10/2015 16:58:58
Last post: 08/11/2017 14:56:21
Export Data list to Excel
Hi, Is there a way to export a Data list to an excel file? I could show the user how to publish to XML and then save it in a file and open that XML file in Excel, but I am trying to make it easier for him, without making it too complicated for me :)  ...
Nuno Aguiar
06/11/2017 18:58:06
Last post: 08/11/2017 12:50:46
Link Item field: bug getting paragraph's name
Hi, There's a minor bug in the Link item type field. If we select a paragraph (for example ID=13), we save&close and then reload the item, the link loads PageID's 13 name, instead of the paragraph's name. The  ...
Nuno Aguiar
19/01/2016 19:55:59
Last post: 08/11/2017 12:47:46
GetImage and SVG
Hi, Do GetImage supports SVG files? BR Thomas ...
Thomas Larsen
07/11/2017 16:20:50
Last post: 08/11/2017 12:10:33
Windows scheduled task is not found
Hi I have a website hosted on a Host Nordic server. In this website I have some scheduled tasks running. And they run just fine. But at the moment this message is shown in the Scheduled Tasks window: "Windows scheduled task is not found". Why is this ...
Lars Larsen
08/11/2017 09:55:38
Last post: 08/11/2017 11:24:32
Deployment of items from database
Hello, I am trying to figure out how to get items from the database deployed with the new deployment tool? Does anyone know how that works? Best regards, Anders ...
Anders Ebdrup
02/11/2017 07:59:54
Last post: 02/11/2017 09:53:41
License for packages?
Hi there, When accessing the Installed and Updates nodes under Settings | Packages, I get the attached error. Is the error message correct and do I indeed need a bigger license? If so, what's required? Or could this be a side-effect of a custom insta ...
Imar Spaanjaars
24/10/2017 16:27:45
Last post: 01/11/2017 08:54:50
Localized links for content
Hi Guys, I have a situation that I have not encountered before but it totally makes sense from my customer's perspective. The customer has a bunch of Language layers (10) planning to add more. In most cases, these language layers are using the conten ...
Adrian Ursu
31/08/2017 23:59:45
Last post: 30/10/2017 08:50:37
Deep linking into backend page - possible?
Is it somehow possible to deep link into /admin/page/1234 ? ...
Kevin Steffer
30/10/2017 08:16:00
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Query Publisher gone
I tried to add a paragraph with an query publisher today on my DW 9.3.5 solution. But the module for query publisher was gone, not an module option anymore. What might have happened here? As a side note I dont see the new PIM functionality either... ...
Martin Grønbekk Moen
26/10/2017 15:15:36
Last post: 26/10/2017 18:22:21
Send user details email - reset link not working
I'm setting up my first DW site and I have encountered a problem on the user page. I have created some users for the extranet and I would like to send them an email with their login information. I find the user in the backend and use the button "Send ...
Pernille Mortensen
15/08/2017 10:12:46
Last post: 26/10/2017 14:29:43
Deployment tool on local solution not working
Hi, We are running a DW 9.3.2 solution and the development of the site takes place on our local machines (local IIS). We frequently need to update our staging environment (from local to staging). But when we try to add the desired destination withing ...
Harald Brouwers
25/10/2017 13:32:18
Last post: 26/10/2017 09:34:03
Nullreference exception on paragraphs.
Hi guys We're sometimes experiencing null reference excepions on paragraphs in frontend and in administration (ParagraphEdit Page_Load). It seems to be happen whenever a paragraph has a master paragaraphid associated but the paragraph with the given  ...
Simon Nordahl
25/10/2017 08:22:19
Last post: 25/10/2017 16:28:50
bug in version 9.3.4
This must be a bug. Default value on ecom fields of the type date is the time of creation, and not NULL or empty. This must be a bug, or at least - it should be possible to control how it should behave. br Hans ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
16/10/2017 12:19:49
Last post: 17/10/2017 13:54:39
Conditional rendering of Master page files
Hi. I was wondering if it is possible to conditionaly render a MasterPageFile reference in DW. This is what I am looking to do. @{ string ajaxRequest = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["ajax"]; } @if (ajaxRequest == "true"){ @Master ...
Snævar Dagur Pétursson
16/10/2017 19:12:24
Last post: 17/10/2017 12:40:57