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Forum » CMS - Standard features
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Apostrophe doubling in Add Address
Hi there, I'm experiencing apostrophes being duplicated when add a new address or edit addresses from frontend. Can anyone replicate this? DW: 9.2.17. Thanks, Mario ...
Mario Santos
05/12/2017 11:36:05
Last post: 07/12/2017 12:59:38
Google Maps markerimage
Hi, A question to which I couldnt find the answer in the doc's. I want to use a custom marker image in the DW maps module: But I cant figure out in which folder these images should be placed, I tried: \Files\Templates\Designs\projectname\maps\templat ...
Harald Brouwers
27/10/2017 12:59:59
Last post: 06/12/2017 03:00:48
Deny access to product catalog in the backend
Hi Guys, I am trying to set a Deny rule for accessing the product catalog in the Ecommerce section for a specific group of users. In DW8, There was something in the Modules section where I could set the permissions. I cannot find the exact same setti ...
Adrian Ursu
09/08/2017 09:55:33
Last post: 05/12/2017 21:45:43
x-403-status-by: dw.inj.check
Hi Our customer uses a list of YouTube videos on the homepage of the webshop to show instructions to their customers. Sometimes the frontend of the webshop is unavailable and it shows a 403 error. The backend is still available. If we login and turn  ...
Martijn Bokhove
09/03/2015 13:55:42
Last post: 05/12/2017 21:00:19
Can't change item type on pages
Have experienced a trouble with changing item type on pages in DW 9.3.5, is an issue on several solutions. Server Error in '/' Application. The item data in table ItemType_Global with the item ID 43 does not exist Description: An unhandled exception  ...
Heine Virenfeldt Kristensen
31/10/2017 09:08:55
Last post: 05/12/2017 15:59:23
Exception in GroupNavigationProvider
Hi, We sporadically experience the exception below, which ruins the main page. The exception happens when navigation is trying to run through the groups set up on a specific page. It happens rarely but when it happens it is critical (2 times today).  ...
Søren Heide Larsen
29/11/2017 22:25:14
Last post: 05/12/2017 15:37:31
Filename with comma is removed from ItemType
Hi Guys, We have a solution with a PageItemtype with an image file field on it. When there is an image added to this field and the page is saved, it is working. But the next time the itemtype is opened and saved, without changing anything on the cont ...
Jesse Bakker
28/11/2017 14:33:56
Last post: 29/11/2017 00:17:41
Purging ecommerce statistics
Hi, For a customer I am trying to purge the ecommerce statistics. The reports you find in ecommerce -> statistics -> Products and then specifically the Product Sale, the Product Group Count and the most critical items reports. Even though in th ...
André van der Zijden
06/11/2017 15:18:39
Last post: 28/11/2017 13:38:19
Changing the page template by the LayoutTemplate property of the PageView
Hi, I'm trying to change the page template by the LayoutTemplate property of the PageView: Pageview.Page.LayoutTemplate = "MyPageTemplate.cshtml"; However, this is changing the template in the DW page and not just in the PageView context. My question ...
Ricardo Pereira
27/11/2017 15:55:21
Last post: 28/11/2017 10:06:21
Can't sort paragraph - Object undefines . sortable.js DW 9.3.6
Uncaught Sortable: `el` must be HTMLElement, and not [object Undefined] sortable.js ...
Kim Søjborg Pedersen
19/11/2017 13:12:41
Last post: 22/11/2017 13:37:48
@RenderParagraphContent() - render "controllable" field
Hi Am trying to do something like @RenderParagraphContent(@GetInteger(Item.LinkToParagraphToRender)) But this does not work. Is there a way to make a solution where the user can use the paragraph-picker to select a paragraph to render, like I am tryi ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
21/11/2017 14:43:40
Last post: 22/11/2017 11:59:17
Cant find "Item Creator"
Im following the guide here under "CREATING ITEMS FROM FRONTEND". Im stuck at Create a new paragraph – call it Create an article – then attach an ...
21/11/2017 10:07:32
Last post: 21/11/2017 15:40:38
Frontend editing of text and long text fields
Hi I have an itemtype based page with three fields: a text, a long text and a richtext field. When doing frontend editing of the page only the field of type richtext is editable. But in the documentation it says that all three text type fields should ...
Lars Larsen
05/09/2017 11:17:02
Last post: 21/11/2017 13:31:56
Front end editing not possible on item text field
Front end editing is not possible on item text fields, only on rich text fields. This means that the user can not edit headers etc. in text fields. How can i make this possible or can you add this to the next DW version. ...
Per Søgaard
14/10/2015 14:29:37
Last post: 21/11/2017 12:52:32
Missing Personalization and SMS function
Hi, So now and then the personalization and SMS functions are dessapeared in het CMS of Pentair: Then we go to het system and license configuration and put it on in the add-ons. How is it possible t ...
Mannon Wekking
17/11/2017 13:23:25
Last post: 17/11/2017 14:08:22
Language management in ItemTypes with ItemRelations
Hi Guys, I have a situation with a project where I have set 2 Language layers and the content is build mostly with ItemTypes. Most of the ItemTypes have fields of Type ItemRelation. What I have notice so far is that any content edited in the ItemRela ...
Adrian Ursu
15/11/2017 21:49:19
Last post: 16/11/2017 21:17:48
Not possible to move paragraphs by drag and drop in google chrome
Hi, Our customer has a lot of paragraphs on a page and sometimes they want to change the order of the paragraphs by drag and drop them. They work in chrome and do advise that to their customers as well. Now it doens't work anymore in google chrome, s ...
Mannon Wekking
14/11/2017 11:05:24
Last post: 15/11/2017 09:08:01
Email subscribe - multiple newsletters
Hi I have setup a page for newsletter signup (Email Marketing). On the page I have set up a paragraph with the Extranet app and these app settings: Create profile / Manage subscription = selected Create user - Template = "email_subscribe.html" (the s ...
Lars Larsen
09/11/2017 18:32:02
Last post: 15/11/2017 08:53:53
Customer Center "Bought from" Date cannot be change
Hi guys, I have an instance of the customer center module that is supposed to list Ledger Items. I have tried to change the value for "Bought from date" but no matter what I do, it remains set to the current date. And that prevents the listing of any ...
Adrian Ursu
21/10/2017 10:11:04
Last post: 14/11/2017 13:14:24
Uncaught Sortable: `el` must be HTMLElement, and not [object Undefined]
While trying to create an "Item Creator" on a page (following this guide: (creating items from frontend)) i cant create the App. While entering a ...
10/11/2017 11:26:15
Last post: 14/11/2017 09:49:39