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Forum » CMS - Standard features
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Mails not sending with smartsearches
Hello, We're experiencing mails not sending to recipients in version 9.2.17 when we're sending an e-mail that contains smartsearches. The status of the mail stays on 'sending...', see screenshots attached. After we've send one of those, no other mail ...
Justin Breg
31/08/2017 15:38:13
Last post: 01/09/2017 14:37:41
Login redirect to same page with no error
I have a strange problem with my DW 9 installation. When trying to login I'm redirected to the same page, but with no error. I have checked: Template is default (from wrap) Permissions are correct User is created Password is correct Still it wont wor ...
Martin Grønbekk Moen
31/08/2017 12:37:50
Last post: 31/08/2017 15:13:16
Link to item - loop fields of linked item i ItemPublisher
Hi I have an itemtype (Called Ships) that contains a field of the type link to item (Called owner). Now from what i read here it should be possible to display the fields of the Linked Item. I am usi ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
28/08/2017 15:46:09
Last post: 30/08/2017 10:04:28
Sort order UserGroups
Hi, In DW8 the user groups in the admin interface were sorted by alphabetical order, but now in DW9 it isn't sorted. I tried manually editing the SortOrder column in the database but with no effect. Is there any way to effect this sorting? I'm on DW  ...
Jesse Bakker
29/08/2017 09:24:24
Last post: 29/08/2017 14:14:49
Editing Item Type
Hi guys, We have a new issue that has recently occurred. This seems to happen in all updated versions of browsers. It was initially reported for Firefox 55. When trying to change vendors in the Vendors and Promotions area, if you click on a vendor na ...
Terri Donahue
25/08/2017 19:42:29
Last post: 28/08/2017 18:08:08
Sending parameters in the template to QueryPublisher or DataLists
Hi Guys, I have a situation where I need to use a set of data in different ways. One way would be with a regular QueryPublisher in order to implement an advanced Search and the other one is to display a subset of the data based on some criterias. I a ...
Adrian Ursu
26/08/2017 16:01:51
Last post: 28/08/2017 11:06:16
Facet value with space
Hi I have an index with some facets which are used for some filters in the frontend. Values that contains a space are indexed as different values. For example these values: "Level 1 "Level 2" are indexed as "1", "2" and "Level"! How can I prevent tha ...
Lars Larsen
03/06/2015 09:16:54
Last post: 25/08/2017 15:51:48
Deleting item based page referenced in item relation list
Hi I have a page (lets call it "Page A") which is an item based page. This page is referenced from an item relation list field (item source is set to "Page") on another item. When I delete "Page A" in the content tree, the reference to this page is n ...
Lars Larsen
16/08/2017 11:28:23
Last post: 25/08/2017 14:20:07
File path error in backend Item interface
Hi Guys, I get a strange errror in back-end in the edit/add a Paragraph (ItemType based) when adding an image. I think I have set everything correctly (see my screenshots) but somehow the Image path is not rendered correctly resulting in this error m ...
Adrian Ursu
24/08/2017 13:39:30
Last post: 24/08/2017 13:57:48
Error when saving list item
When clicking on "Save" or "Save and close" in a list item view I get an error. See picture. This error did not appear before today. When inspecting the console I see this issue: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Int ...
Sofia Soje
23/08/2017 13:24:53
Last post: 24/08/2017 10:59:38
Headerstart and Razor
Hi, A totally newbie question, I know :) Are there any equal to Headerstart in loops in Razor? Best regards Kurt ...
Kurt Moskjær Andersen
23/08/2017 09:18:18
Last post: 23/08/2017 09:49:14
PDF generation (pdf=true) without download
Hi All, Is possible generates a PDF, with the pdf=true parameter, without download it and show it directly in the browser? How can I do that? Thanks, Ricardo ...
Ricardo Pereira
21/08/2017 16:18:26
Last post: 21/08/2017 16:40:51
Delocalize pages and Paragraphs
Hi Guys, I have been asked by a customer about the delocalization of Pages and Paragraphs. I have read the manual and it describes very well how to Localize a page but I don't see any method of Delocalizing a page. Assuming I have a website with the  ...
Adrian Ursu
21/08/2017 12:42:39
Last post: 21/08/2017 16:26:10
Item publisher filters
Is it possible to use filters like in the itempublisher module when using @RenderItemList(new {})? Also, is it possible to use more than 1 item type? ex: (@RenderItemList(new { ItemType = "itemType1, itemType2" })) ...
Ricardo Pedra
29/10/2014 17:41:29
Last post: 14/08/2017 11:09:56
Cannot delete address on backoffice
Hi there, Managing the user addresses on backoffice I'm able to add a new address but when I try to delete it nothing happens. Is this ia bug? DW version: 9.2.14 BR, Mário ...
Mario Santos
10/08/2017 19:01:14
Last post: 14/08/2017 00:52:20
Primary Key constraint
I am trying to add a new Glossary_Item and am receiving this error: Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK__ItemType__3214EC073F47FEF2'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.ItemType_Glossary_Item'. The statement has been terminated. I was abl ...
Terri Donahue
10/08/2017 21:06:35
Last post: 11/08/2017 14:58:17
Search Module (APP) for content with special characters
Hi Guys, I have this situation where I use the Search module for searching in the website. The module seesm to work fine with only one exception. It cannot deal with special characters. In the New index approach, we have managed to add a new Analyzer ...
Adrian Ursu
11/08/2017 11:20:04
Last post: 11/08/2017 11:55:33
Subscribe to newsletter when using advanced security settings
Hi Guys, I have a situation where we activated the Security setting for enforcing a more complex password. After this activation, the subscribe to newsletter seems to ask for more details when trying to subscribe. Namely a Paswword that fits the secu ...
Adrian Ursu
09/08/2017 09:48:24
Last post: 11/08/2017 09:49:00
User group based on smart search
Hi Guys, I have set a user group to be created based on a User Smart search. I can see the smart search being updated pretty fast but I cannot find thesam einformation in the User Group. is there a process that I need to setup for updating the UserGr ...
Adrian Ursu
09/08/2017 15:14:01
Last post: 09/08/2017 15:45:38
Ledgers entries fields
Hi, On the Customer Center module there is a Ledger entries option to the module view. Although, the Menu Texts, Links and Templates fields for the ledgers are not showing up. Is there any trick or is just missing? DW version: 9.2.14. Thanks, Mário ...
Mario Santos
28/07/2017 12:50:46
Last post: 08/08/2017 10:40:58