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Search Module (APP) for content with special characters

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi Guys,

I have this situation where I use the Search module for searching in the website. The module seesm to work fine with only one exception. It cannot deal with special characters.

In the New index approach, we have managed to add a new Analyzer that deals with special characters. Hopefully, when DW will upgrade to Lucene 4.x we will be able to use the official analyzer for Romanian language, but that's another story.
My question is, how can I "teach" the search app to deal with special characters? is there a setting where I can put the culture or ask it to use a similar analyzer? Is it extensible in any way?




Nicolai Pedersen

You mean re-use the analyzer applied in the indexing for the search terms?

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi Nicolai,

If that's possible, yes. If not, any other solution that will allow search using special characters.




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