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Forum » CMS - Standard features
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Issue after upgrading DW
Hi, we had installed and it is still that version in their live site since we faced an issue when we upgraded to When we now try and switch site, from the swedish to their english site in admin we get this error: Any thoughts on what ...
Daniel Linder
06/04/2017 09:21:47
Last post: 12/10/2017 14:31:21
Data Integration key field not working
Hi, We have an integration job from XML to Item (Paragraph), which works fine, until I set a Key field. Looks like a bug, but I need someone to take a look and confirm. The field if os type "text" but only contains numbers. I tried setting PubMed_ID  ...
Nuno Aguiar
29/06/2017 12:40:16
Last post: 09/10/2017 21:52:35
Rapido code interfering with our own CSS and Less
Hi guys, We're running into some issues which seem related to the Rapido stuff you've been adding. Firstly, whenever I try to save the Area settings, I get the following exception: "You are importing a file ending in .less that cannot be found [confi ...
Imar Spaanjaars
08/10/2017 16:17:47
Last post: 09/10/2017 12:38:52
Is there a way in dw9 to prevent editors from uploading images with filenames containing whitespace or special charachters?
This was a setting in management center in DW8, and a really useful feature, but for some reason - it has been removed in DW9 I would really apprecieate this feature, as it would save us a lot of trouble and avoiding errors when images eg. are part o ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
06/10/2017 00:09:41
Last post: 06/10/2017 12:59:46
If certain group is in cart
Hello, again! I would like to show a text on my checkout page if a product from a group with etc. ID GROUP1 is in the cart. How could I write that in code? <!--@LoopStart(ProductCategories)--> <!--@If(@Ecom:Product.Category.ID == GROUP1 is i ...
Sofia Soje
05/10/2017 09:47:52
Last post: 06/10/2017 12:20:41
No valid SMTP host found
Hi, I'm trying to set up the mail server settings for one of our solutions. The "test mail settings" passes without problem, but emails don't get sent (logged with errors, so I know it's at least trying). However if, on the same server, I configure f ...
Gaëtan Di Caro
05/10/2017 14:54:18
Last post: 06/10/2017 07:30:18
Leads sumbitting forms
Hello, How can I in the lead tool see which forms have been submitted? Besides it does not seems like the engagement index is influenced by submitting a "forms for editors"? Best regards, Anders ...
Anders Ebdrup
05/10/2017 17:53:22
No replies yet
Where to find the users that are coupled to a user prifile in personalization?
Hi, If you have created user profiles in de marketing module, how can you see which users belong to this profile? Kind regards, Manon Wekking ...
Mannon Wekking
27/09/2017 14:54:58
Last post: 05/10/2017 14:49:52
Razor Menu in Dynamicweb 9.3
Hi, I belive i heard that you should be able to use razor to generate your menu now in Dynamicweb 9.3, is this true? And if that is the case, is there an example of how to do this? E.g. just a hint of where the object is found from Razor like @Model. ...
Søren HeideLarsen
21/09/2017 12:42:23
Last post: 04/10/2017 16:32:47
Product "Stock Status"
Greetings! I have an issue regarding the Stock Status of products in Dynamicweb When I create a new product (no variants, yet), the product is created with a Stock status of "none" and the drop down is grayed out (cannot change). I'm not sur ...
Andrew Ashley
13/09/2017 14:20:17
Last post: 04/10/2017 16:27:36
Hi guys, I can't view stats on a site we just launched. It is running of the platform. This error is being returned: Server Error in '/' Application. Input string was not in a correct format. Description: An unhandled exception occurred durin ...
Terri Donahue
26/07/2017 20:58:54
Last post: 04/10/2017 13:21:11
Edit users without username and password
Hi, We imported users with only an email adress, because we only use them for the newsletter. Now if we open this users and we want for example set their preferences or change the mail adres, we can't safe them. Then it says that we have to give up a ...
Mannon Wekking
26/09/2017 16:31:29
Last post: 04/10/2017 12:53:10
Add installation with product
I've looked into AddMulti, but I can't get it to work with related products, as it is there the choices for installation with the product is. Is it possible to have a function that let's you choose an installation through a dropdown at the product de ...
Sofia Soje
04/10/2017 10:23:42
Last post: 04/10/2017 12:47:33
Extending backend/administration search
Hi, I would like to be able to search in custom product fields from the administration. How would I go about that in an old DW 8.8? Kind regards Mikkel Ulstrup ...
Mikkel Ulstrup
04/10/2017 10:22:55
Last post: 04/10/2017 11:13:53
Using Address Custom Fields
Hi guys, I am trying to use the long-awaited custom fields section for Address. I have managed to define a field, I can write values in it from backend but apparently I cannot save in it from Front-end. I am using this Tag: @GetString("UserManagement ...
Adrian Ursu
24/08/2017 16:02:38
Last post: 04/10/2017 01:03:23
Repository CaseInsensitive
Hi, I am running into some casing issues: The data has camelCase and UpperCase values i.e. "Biotin" VS "BIOTIN" The UI (backend's product card) selects the proper value for both values (in the screencast I don't show the product category field/value, ...
Nuno Aguiar
02/10/2017 12:01:41
Last post: 03/10/2017 18:54:27
Repository Field types - not allowing multiple analyzers
Hi, In, you cannot setup more than 1 Analyzer in a new Field Type, despite the UI allowing to add multiple Best Regards, Nuno Aguiar ...
Nuno Aguiar
02/10/2017 11:47:32
Last post: 03/10/2017 10:43:37
I have a strange situation going on with Dw 9.2.17. Some direct paths work but any that have .php in them return a generic 404 error rather than redirecting as expected. Has anyone else seen this behavior? Is there a workaround? ...
Terri Donahue
28/09/2017 19:54:18
Last post: 29/09/2017 14:34:25
Links on homepage are broken
Hi there, it seems that here on some links are broken. For example, when I click Developer Forum under Developers on the homepage, I am taken here which results in an error: ...
Imar Spaanjaars
30/08/2017 08:23:20
Last post: 26/09/2017 14:18:22
Sending newsletter with extranet login username and password to users
Sending newsletter with extranet login username and password to users. How can we include this in a newsletter? ...
Per Søgaard
26/09/2017 09:53:28
Last post: 26/09/2017 10:06:13