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Product "Stock Status"

Andrew Ashley


I have an issue regarding the Stock Status of products in Dynamicweb

When I create a new product (no variants, yet), the product is created with a Stock status of "none" and the drop down is grayed out (cannot change).

I'm not sure why this is the case as other products that were already pre-loaded (not by us) when we were given access to the CMS have a Stock status of "Standard".

I should mention that the CMS has several different stores for different markets.

Any pointers highly appreciated!

Thank you and regards.


Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Andrew

Sorry about the very late answer.

It could be that you have more languages and you have to change that setting on the master language. Could that be the case? Otherwise we need a link to the solution to checkout the configuration.

BR Nicolai

Andrew Ashley

Hi Nicolai,

Thanks for your reply.

Yes, you are correct, there are multiple languages.

We figured this out in the mean time that we need to change the language to Danish, adjust the setting and then back to English.

This workflow is actually the case for multiple operations such as creating Variant Groups and others. Very unintuitive in my opinion..

Perhaps I dont understand how the product catalog in DynamicWeb is structured with regards to different stores and languages (I come from the Magento world).




Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Andrew

This is configuration - Management Center, Ecommerce, Advanced, Field settings. You define which fields can be edited on the default language only and inherit values to the language versions. Then when on a language version, you cannot change because you want to avoid someone changes something on a language variant that also applies to all other languages.

BR Nicolai


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