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Edit users without username and password

Mannon Wekking


We imported users with only an email adress, because we only use them for the newsletter. Now if we open this users and we want for example set their preferences or change the mail adres, we can't safe them. Then it says that we have to give up an username and password. We don't want to give these users an username and password, because they are not alloud to login (also not in the front end). 

Is there a way to update users without giving them an username or password?

Kind regards, 

Manon Wekking


Oleg Rodionov Dynamicweb Employee
Oleg Rodionov

Hi Mannon,

It is not allowed with base features of CMS, at least used name field should be filled to save the user in backend (Users area), the both fields - user name and password shoul be provided to use frontend of extranet module for editing (you have to be logged into frontend before it). So, it seems to be solved with an extra tool to have direct access to AccessUser table (not recomented in fact) 

Please, use for details regarding user managemnt. 

BR, Oleg QA  

Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Mannon

Added a feature request, TFS#39841, for the next service release of 9.3 - end october or before.

BR Nicolai

Mannon Wekking

Hi Oleg and Nicolai, 

First of all, the users don't have to log in, not in backend and not in front ed. It is only the mail adress that we use for the marketing module to send e-mails. 

And it is possible to upload these e-mail adresses without any other personal data, so then we have users in the backend with only mail adresses. 

Nicolai, you will create a fix for it in the next service release? How will it work then? Then we can change the personal data of the users without adding an username and passworrd? And is this fix only for the 9 version, or will it also come out for 8?

Kind regards,

Manon Wekking

Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Manon

Yes, will make sure that those fields are not required - no required fields basically. We will apply this fix to 9. Are you making new projects on 8?

BR Nicolai

Peter Leleulya

We are not making new projects in Dynamicweb 8, but we do have a lot off projects running Dynamicweb 8 on which we do continuous updates in features,
We haven't had the guts (or time) yet to get ourselves into an 8 to 9 conversion project due to the size and amount of custom work of these projects.
I've been told you will support 8 for quit a while and can merge fixes back to the 8 version.

Nicolai Pedersen

We will support and provide hotfixex and security updates for 8 - we will not add features to 8.

It is not simple to merge from 9 to 8 because of relative big differences, some places more than others. So it is often implementing the same thing twice which is too expensive. Like you will not get new features to old versions of all other software out there.

Upgrading will take some time - but even large custom implementations is usually not that bad since most content is compatible - just need to update references and rebuild.

BR Nicolai


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