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Custom domains not in host headers with Azure Web App

Hans Kloppenborg


We noticed today that customers with DW 9 hosted in Azure had issues with their email marketing because only the default Azure host binding was available in the domain dropdown. It looks like this is caused by some change in Azure, since we see this issue in multiple solutions where it used to work correctly.

Is this a known problem, and is there a work-around for it? Or can we somehow add the correct host names manually?

Sending mail with the wrong hostname will probably lead to mass rejected mails, as your build-in warning also mentions.





Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Hans

Seems to be related to this:

I've changed the priority of the work item to get it out the door soon.

Sorry about the inconvenience, Nicolai

Votes for this answer: 1
Hans Kloppenborg

Hi Nicolai,

The issue in that issue was that they wanted to add a domain that was not bound to the website, which was a bad plan. But if you can deliver the solution you offered there it would solve the issue that seems to have popped up recently with Azure web-app hosting.



Henrik Madsen
Henrik Madsen


We have the same issue... Is this fixed in 9.4.5?

Regards Henriik

Hans Kloppenborg

Hi Hendrik,

We had a case for this issue also, just heard that the feature to add domains has been implemented in 9.4.4, so you should be able to use it already.

Greets Hans


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