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User group sort using razor

Peter Kristensen


I have a group of users sorted in a particular way and want to display the users as sorted using razor.
It is no problem to display the users as in DB or by name using Linq:

       @foreach (LoopItem i in GetLoop("Item.Brugere").OrderBy(o=>o.GetString("UserManagement:User.Name")).ToList())

By how do I display the users as I intended in my user group sort?

Can’t seem to find anything in the forum, documentation or example code. Can I get a hint here?


Dmitriy Benyuk Dynamicweb Employee
Dmitriy Benyuk
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Peter,
in the User object there is a property "UserSortCollection" which contains a List of "UserSort" objects which has the GroupID and Sort properties.
I am not very much familiar with templates output but the idea could be to make an instance of a "user" object and query its UserSortCollection on specific "GroupId" value and gets the Sort
from there.
Regards, Dmitrij

Votes for this answer: 1
Peter Kristensen

Hi Dmitriy.

You realeased my brain lock. Thank you for that. :-)



Peter Kristensen

Hi again.

After trying to get Dmitriy's good idea to work, I must admit that I was unable to get the idea to work in my razor code.
Could it be that there is a wise coder out there that can bring me closer to a solution?

Thanks in advance.


Peter Kristensen

Is there anyone who can help? I am completely out of ideas.


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