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Personalized Emails in DW9

Nicole Busscher

Hi, I would like to make use of personalized emails. So one paragraph of the newsletter should only be visible for one group of contacts. I have followed the steps in this video ( and via the Email preview (in the Content section) the personalization works. However when I send a test email in the Marketing section the paragraph is shown for all contacts (so also the contacts who are in the group who were not allowed to see it. Does anyone knows how to solve this?


Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Nicole

It sounds like you are missing the "Render content for each recipient" checkbox on the email in marketing. See dump 1+2

BR Nicolai

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Votes for this answer: 1
Nicole Busscher

Hi Nicolai, thanks!
I just tried it and it works. :) 


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