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Meta information on items

Casper Andersen

Hi all

We have a SEO firm who has reviewed our site, and told us that we need to have meta information on every sub page and so on. But the way our website has been built.

Is for an example we have a page called solutions, and on that page we have a module that shows each item of a certain type, for an example the item type could be solution. And then its possible to click each item and see the full view page.

Is there any way to add fields for meta information?


Nuno Aguiar Dynamicweb Employee
Nuno Aguiar

Hi Casper,


You should be able to change that. On the detail template, if you set the Pageview.Page.MetaTitle, for example, you could change it.


As far as adding meta data, we do it using a snippet (for facebook's OpenGraph data for example).


Best Regards,

Nuno Aguiar

Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Casper

If you use page based items you can control meta data and urls - you cannot with paragraph based items. So never use them for anything that opens in details mode.

If you entered with a SEO 'expert' that says you need meta data information besides the title, you might not want to give him money...

Casper Andersen

Thanks both for your help.


I see now that i have built my website wrong, is there a way to convert my paragraphs to pages with items on them?

Nicolai Pedersen

No simple way...

You can maybe code your way out of it - create pages in the tree for each paragraph with these items reusing the itemtype and itemid fields from the paragraph on the page records.

Or cut'n'past....

Sorry about the inconvenience.


Casper Andersen

Ok thanks a lot for the information, no worries, it was my own fault for designing it wrong.

I will get around to converting my paragraphs to pages with items and hopefully that will fix the issue.

Theoretically i could just change the Meta Title with C#, but i think its best, to just make the change now and get things running properly.

Casper Andersen

But something i do not understand.

I have now created subpages under one of my main pages, the main page uses an itempublisher module to list all the subpages.

In my loop, i ask for the ItemPublisher:Item.Url i get the URL but i am taken to a blank page. What have i done wrong?

My subpages have the item type on them and are populated with content.

Mario Santos Dynamicweb Employee
Mario Santos

Hi Casper

Is the page layout template accounting for the item type fields?
The item detail template selected on ItemPublisher module won't render since you're now showing the page itself.

BR Mario

Casper Andersen

Hi Mario

At the moment none of my pages have any layout template, since the only templates available, are templates with navigation and so on, all i need is to display the content.

Seems like there is some part of this i am not understanding.

Mario Santos Dynamicweb Employee
Mario Santos

Hi Casper

If I understood correctly, you have moved your paragraphs to pages item based. On those pages you need to have a layout template that shows the item fields.
Also, you need to make sure that on the ItemPublisher list template you are using the correct details tag:

Hope this make sense.

BR Mario

Casper Andersen

Hi Mario

So i found the issue! I had the right idea of trying to add Layouts to my page, but the reason i could not add my own layouts (they where not showing in the dropdown list) was becuase i was not telling it what my masterpage was. @MasterPageFile("master.cshtml") When this tag is in place, the layout appeared and not my page is populating with information!

Thanks for the help to everyone!


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