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Forum » CMS - Standard features
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Cookie Consent Plans
Hi guys, I was wondering if you have any plans on extending the cookie constent to support a more detailed segmentation as in these examples: Thank  ...
Adrian Ursu
04/06/2018 16:21:34
Last post: 19/06/2018 10:16:02
Withdraw consent
Hi Is it possible to withdraw a consent from the frontend? If so, what has to be setup in the backend. ...
Lars Larsen
18/06/2018 11:00:48
Last post: 18/06/2018 14:59:00
Reading Currency code
Hi Guys, I have a project where I use the CurrencyCode parameter to change the currency for products. The change works pretty fine. The trouble I have is reading that currency code from the master page. Not just when it is used in the URL but also af ...
Adrian Ursu
15/06/2018 14:50:44
Last post: 15/06/2018 15:28:38
Can't select a date after upgrading to 9.4.14
We can´t select a date on a item type after we upgradet from DW version 9.3.5 to 9.4.14, the datepicker is not working properly. ...
Vilhjalmur Ingthorsson
15/06/2018 12:23:04
Last post: 15/06/2018 12:38:19
Deleting large amount of subgroups / users fails in CMS
Hi, For one of our customers we are developing an import api for users/groups, and I noticed that after importing a lot of groups and users in those groups, that the "Delete Group" option on a group with lots of subgroups (Employers) and users (Emplo ...
Hans Kloppenborg
08/05/2018 12:48:31
Last post: 15/06/2018 09:32:02
Delete form entries using Data Integration & Scheduled tasks
Hi all, I have been told that it should be possible to perform deletions in Dynamicweb using the Data Integration module - however i cannot figure out how to do it. I have some Forms for editors forms. The submitted content of these forms need to be  ...
Sonni Tost
13/06/2018 13:50:35
Last post: 13/06/2018 15:40:36
Issue groups / smart searches
Hi, There is a problem with the connection between (normal) groups and smart searches. For Pentair ( we made a (normal group) called “Partners – membrane modules and/or systems”, for this group we used the smart search [Dashb ...
Gerard Kocks
24/05/2018 12:43:06
Last post: 13/06/2018 14:41:12
Split Testing by Geolocation
Hello! Is this possible as a custom solution? Has it ever been done before? Richard ...
Richard D. Lee
07/06/2018 03:31:14
Last post: 12/06/2018 09:05:12
Loging of 404 responses
Hi Does Dynamicweb 9 register 404 responses anywhere? I have checked the table Statv2NotFound but no luck there. ...
Lars Larsen
07/06/2018 14:35:44
Last post: 11/06/2018 09:40:51
Misleading default and alert messages in Import Users
Hi, We were tying to show a customer how to import users to a group and found a few small issues that puzzled the user: A simple/quick export, update and import did not work The default checked fields did not match the minimum requirements (no userna ...
Nuno Aguiar
22/05/2018 12:28:35
Last post: 09/06/2018 00:29:22
Index build fail notification mail does not get sent
Hi guys, For an application running on DW core 9.3.10 I have several indexes. Each index build has notifications set to "Send notification on failure", a sender name , a valid sender emailadres, a subject, send logfile set to true and my personal ema ...
Peter Leleulya
29/05/2018 13:08:18
Last post: 08/06/2018 16:44:46
Is it possible to set a DateTime.Now.AddHours(1) to a query
Hi Due to the time differrence on the server (CET) and local time (GMT), i want to add an hour to the less than or equal query (See attachment) Is this possible? Br. Hans ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
06/06/2018 10:51:19
Last post: 06/06/2018 15:52:02
Youtube video full screen
Hi, We added a youtube video via a paragraph with the iFram function. We want to add the fullscreen function so we added: <iframe width="780" height=428" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen><i/frame>  ...
Manon Wekking
06/06/2018 13:04:22
Last post: 06/06/2018 14:25:16
ItemPublisher condition using Session UserID
Hi guys, I might remember it wrongluy but wasn'there a way to use Code in the conditions set on ItemPublisher? My specific situation requires that I use the UserId of the user that is currently authenticated on the website. I am thinking I can use th ...
Adrian Ursu
01/06/2018 10:26:27
Last post: 06/06/2018 11:49:01
Submitting UserManagementEditForm with AJAX
Hi. I want to submit the form when I change the state of two different checkboxes. It seems to be submitting fine, but does not update the user. Don't mind the "beautiful" split to get your onsubmit code :) $('#check1, #check2').on('change', function ...
Mikkel Belchuke
05/06/2018 11:21:57
Last post: 06/06/2018 03:18:35
How can i test if logged in to extranet on paragraph level
On pagelevel (mater.cshtml), i can do this @if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(GetString("DWextranet_AccessUserUserName"))) { Do something } But I can not do this on paragraph level. There is no value to test, and I don´t know how i eg. could set a variable on ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
05/06/2018 20:12:44
Last post: 05/06/2018 22:49:41
Admin, Content not working in IE.
Hey. The admin panel does not work when using Internet Explorer. I tried differnet versions on several solutions... Yes I know IE sucks... ...
Bjørn Kamfjord
05/06/2018 13:23:50
Last post: 05/06/2018 14:03:56
How can i get and publish value of a System.String[]
If I use template tags, i get this field Infosidaa_EvniInfopage System.String[] System.String[] This is a field based on checkboxes, and i know it has some value. But no mather how I try, I cant get and publish the values of the string array. Hope yo ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
31/05/2018 20:42:31
Last post: 01/06/2018 11:24:30
Account lockout
Hi, How is the extranet account lockout function supposed to work? I have configured it for a client (see attached image) but it does not seem to do anything. Kind regards, Ben ...
Ben Doorn
30/05/2018 18:25:27
Last post: 31/05/2018 09:19:21
Is it possible to convert publicated item list to
Not easy to explain this one, but i´ll try We have a costumer who stores large amount of data in the good old fashioned Item List (the one under properties and advanced on page level). But now that the posibility to list subpages has come, it is poss ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
30/05/2018 11:10:36
Last post: 30/05/2018 23:46:43