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Cannot Save Intrenal Link
Hi, I can't change internal link in item. Please help me to check what is the problem? Regards, Tin Ma Ma ...
Tin Ma Ma
01/11/2018 09:46:20
Last post: 08/11/2018 18:44:07
Translate Contact Us Form
Hi Please advise me how can I translate conatct us form? Regards, Tin Ma Ma ...
Tin Ma Ma
01/11/2018 09:28:48
Last post: 08/11/2018 18:42:38
Special characters in Forms for Editors upload
Hi, I have a customer running DW 9.3.12 and using Forms for Editors. They are using a form to submit cv's for jobs, and some of the cv's have special characters in their filename, like comma (,) and plus (+). The upload process works fine, but when o ...
Kurt Moskjær Andersen
08/11/2018 08:02:34
Last post: 08/11/2018 10:55:10
Timeout when sorting pages
Hi, I'm trying to sort subpages below a certain page, from within DW. There is around 200 subpages and sometimes, we experience a timeout, when saving the new sort order. It happens once in a while, but annoys my customer when it happens :) The solut ...
Kurt Moskjær Andersen
08/11/2018 08:25:38
Last post: 08/11/2018 10:36:36
Middle name as email placeholder tag
Hi, Is it possible to use the middle name as an email placeholder tag? As this is not on the list of available tags: BR, Manon ...
Manon Eppink
07/11/2018 16:53:31
Last post: 07/11/2018 17:28:25
Index query empty/blank field
Hi, How do I make a query that selects products with a custom field that is empty/blank? BR Thomas ...
Thomas Larsen
23/11/2016 17:14:26
Last post: 07/11/2018 10:13:36
Text for No Forms not translated
When the Forms for Editors app has no forms, the No Forms text is displayed in Danish. Looks like a translation is missing, See attached image Imar ...
Imar Spaanjaars
06/11/2018 21:53:09
Last post: 07/11/2018 09:02:10
Editor configuration on item relation list item
Hi there, I have created a custom file for the CKEditor and have applied to the Default settings. It works well when applied to a paragraph item type field but when applied to a item relation list it doesn't load properly: ...
Mario Santos
05/11/2018 23:03:27
Last post: 06/11/2018 16:45:42
Item field groups conditionals - add "Contains" as an operator!
Hi guys, One thing that has annoyed me for a while, is that I find myself doing stupid implementations when doing conditionals on Item field groups. Let's say I have a radio button list, where the website editor is supposed to choose a layout for the ...
Jacob Storgaard Jensen
06/11/2018 15:16:07
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GetImage on a seperate domain
Hi, Does anybody have experience in running /Admin/GetImage.ashx on a seperate domain? We are already running it through a CDN, but if you play with compression etc., then it would mean that the entire site will be very slowly when crawled. So I woul ...
Søren Heide Larsen
06/11/2018 11:28:51
Last post: 06/11/2018 14:40:59
Disable robots.txt?
Hello, Does anyone have an idea to disable robots.txt in a Dynamicweb-solution? This is a requirement from a security company... Best regards, Anders ...
Anders Ebdrup
05/11/2018 13:18:39
Last post: 05/11/2018 13:44:17
Repository Code without parameters Or Macro?
Hi, I've been creating some Repository Custom Macros and Codes. Reading through the documenation it sounds obvious when to create a Macro vs Code, if nothing else, because Code may have properties and Macros cannot. That being said, I was working thr ...
Nuno Aguiar
16/10/2018 21:16:41
Last post: 02/11/2018 18:01:21
Item tabs
Hey :) At the Summit, i saw that you could make what looked like group-based tabs in items, in DW 9.5.x How do i do that? Thanks /Kim ...
Kim Hansen
01/11/2018 13:54:47
Last post: 01/11/2018 14:57:21
404 because of security check
When I try to sign up for an account here: (removed) I get a 404 back and the account is not created. I think it's caused by the SQL Injection and/or other seucrity checks, but I cannot find out why my request is being rejected. Is any logging done w ...
Imar Spaanjaars
30/10/2018 14:38:29
Last post: 30/10/2018 20:02:55
cannot save in item list
Hi I am trying to edit and save in link list. But I can't . Kindly help me to check what is the problem. Regards, Tin Ma Ma ...
Tin Ma Ma
30/10/2018 05:59:27
Last post: 30/10/2018 16:35:32
Reading an Item relation list
Hi Guys, I have an ItemType called Settings. One of the fields on this ItemType based page is a relation list. I have stored in the Area the id of the Setting page and now I am trying to access the list. My knowledge is limited. I tried: Dynamicweb.C ...
Adrian Ursu
30/01/2017 21:37:08
Last post: 30/10/2018 08:15:39
Is it possible to get url and title of page before and page after in pageview?
Hi we have a task where we on the bottom of every page, want to link to the next page in the tree, and the previous page in the tree. The pages will not only on the same level, so eg. on a page - we will link to the before page in the tree (that is a ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
11/05/2017 15:41:12
Last post: 29/10/2018 16:32:00
Repeated systemNames in Forms for Editors - Dynamicweb 9
Description - The Forms for Editors App is accepting / creating duplicated systemNames, when duplicating fields. Discovered this when having to mannualy configure a form with 50 custom fields, all with SystemNames previously defined by the customer.  ...
Lara Arsénio
23/10/2018 16:25:07
Last post: 26/10/2018 17:15:40
Share setup of demo site used in Summit session User Management Permissions & Impersonation
Any chance the demo web site used in the session "User Management Permissions & Impersonation" can be shared? Or at least the user type xml files under System\UserTypes? I really liked that setup and would like to use it as a good starting point  ...
Imar Spaanjaars
16/10/2018 12:54:24
Last post: 25/10/2018 21:59:59
Max number of websites
Hi, we have a customer with a lot of websites. They have about 170 websites now distributed on 4-5 DW installations. But the fact that they is distributed gives a lot of ekstra maintenance and its hard to maintain. We are thinking about making just o ...
Kim Søjborg Pedersen
16/10/2018 10:28:24
Last post: 24/10/2018 23:01:46