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Very frustrating...
Does any one know why this is happening? v8.9.2.6 An error occured while attaching module (Dynamicweb.Frontend.Content) Dynamicweb.Extensibility.ActivationException: IQueryService - LoaderExceptions information: Could not load file or assembly 'Entit ...
Kevin O'Driscoll
10/07/2018 16:47:59
Last post: 13/07/2018 12:29:11
External Authentication
Hi guys, I have a solution (pretty old where I want to use the External Authentication functionality. I have set up the login apps for both Google and Facebook and I am trying to to figure out how it shoudl work. I have checked Create local ...
Adrian Ursu
26/02/2018 01:50:56
Last post: 12/07/2018 16:00:49
Permission Error Message in Content Module not in English
Hi Refer to below video, may I know how to setup the error message in English? Thanks Pang Lin ...
Tan Pang Lin
11/07/2018 11:55:02
Last post: 12/07/2018 04:12:39
Order from quote - shipping fee
Hi, I’ve a solution where the customers will create quotes and for the ones approved they can make their orders (nothing wrong until here). The possible issue I’m seeing happens when the quote is being “promoted” to order and customer selects the pay ...
Rui Silva
19/06/2018 17:19:19
Last post: 10/07/2018 16:35:54
Dynamicweb adding text to Meta Description?
Sometimes Dynamicweb seems to add text in the end of the description metatag like the website name. Not for all pages but for some of them. Why is that and how can we stop it for all pages? ...
Per Søgaard
10/07/2018 14:47:23
Last post: 10/07/2018 15:50:47
Addresses in user groups
Hi, I have several users from the same company. They all need to have their separate login within the Extranet, but also need to share the company details. Each user shares the same multiple addresses, so it would be nice to be able to add these addr ...
Kurt Moskjær Andersen
04/07/2018 09:35:39
Last post: 04/07/2018 12:48:30
ItemPublisher does not look to device type
Hi there, I have an ItemPublisher module attached to a paragraph that lists paragraph items on a specific page. If the paragraph is disabled the ItemPublisher does not load the item. Although, it does not take into consideration the Accessibility opt ...
Mario Santos
03/07/2018 11:14:56
Last post: 03/07/2018 12:09:18
Data Portability app
Hi I would like to test the Data Protability app. So I have set up a form on a page. The form is set up to with a field which is used to give consent ("linked" to an activity in the Data Processing app). I have set up a page with the Data Portability ...
Lars Larsen
18/06/2018 09:04:48
Last post: 29/06/2018 19:48:01
Anyway of avoiding multiple orderlines when same product ordered many times?
If I add procuct X to cart, Dynamicweb creates an orderline - and thant is all fine However, if I add amount to product X (Same product) - Dynamicweb creates a new orderline, instead of adding to the orderline where this product is already appears So ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
29/06/2018 16:14:09
Last post: 29/06/2018 16:23:34
Shops - auto-indexing
Hi, We've noticed that when checking the checkbox for auto-indexing when a product get's updated/added is not working. Is this a bug or does this need some additional configuration? We've tested this on 2 new solutions running version 9.3.12. Thanks  ...
Justin Breg
21/06/2018 16:29:02
Last post: 29/06/2018 13:53:03
Will the new Content Indexer allow fuzzy search?
Hey, I've been playing around with the new Content Index Builder, and I've tried to see if it supports stripping out diacritics or a form of fuzzy search but I don't think it does. What I'd like to be able to do, is to search for: SKODA and and find  ...
Martin Nielsen
20/09/2017 12:24:11
Last post: 29/06/2018 11:56:07
APPS Section - UI dead end
Hi guys, I've been annoyed by this a few times now, and now's the time to make a post about it :-) When entering the APPS section and entering an app i.e. the new Data Portability app (doesn't matter which app), you have no obvious exit = "back to ap ...
Jacob Storgaard Jensen
28/06/2018 09:28:22
Last post: 28/06/2018 10:20:22
Sitemaps per language
Hi, For a customer we are looking for a solution to be able to upload multiple sitemaps to Google Analytics. For each supported language we want to have a separate sitemap.xml. We already created the sitemaps per language and uploaded them to a folde ...
Hans Leeuw
28/06/2018 09:20:12
Last post: 28/06/2018 10:19:03
UserManagement - Edit Profile
Hi, Shouldn't there be a way to update the StockLocation on the user through the frontend (without using the API)? I have an edit profile template, and everything is working OK, except for this one field. We tried to guess the field's name based on t ...
Nuno Aguiar
27/06/2018 12:26:33
Last post: 28/06/2018 02:35:10
UserManagement Countrylist in form is missing a country
Hello there, For an account form we are using the following loop to get a list of countries: GetLoop("UserManagement.CountryList") We got a comment from one of our customers, that the country Cyprus is missing in this list. Can you add this country t ...
Harald Brouwers
27/06/2018 15:02:09
Last post: 27/06/2018 17:53:38
Error when adding paragraphs and pages
Hi, I've setup a trial version of DW 9.4.14 at my local machine. Suddenly, I get the following error whenever I try to create a new paragraph or page. It works on our local fileserver, which uses the same database, so I tried to copy all files in App ...
Kurt Moskjær Andersen
20/06/2018 08:07:30
Last post: 27/06/2018 07:10:23
Trying to use "Data Lists & Forms for Data Lists" to edit Ecom ProductShortDescription and ProductLongDescription
Hi ver 9.4.11 I made a "data list" that givs me from EcomProducts: ProductDefaultShopId ProductId ProductLanguageId ProductVariantId ProductName ProductNumber ProductShortDescription ProductLongDescription then i made a form for the same fields build ...
Thomas Jensen
25/06/2018 16:01:37
Last post: 26/06/2018 15:18:46
Expired trial shows empty warning message on log in screen
See attached; when a trial has expired, an emtpy warning bar shows up on the login screen. I assume this should contain an explanation of the situation instead? Imar ...
Imar Spaanjaars
22/06/2018 11:39:43
Last post: 26/06/2018 14:56:23
Search weighting
We have a weighted search after a text, e.g. In index: "/ Men / Shoes" "/ Men / Shoes / Accessories" Now if i search for "shoes", i expect "/ Men / Shoes" to get up on top, as "shoes" represent a bigger amount of the total text, however they are both ...
Søren Heide Larsen
25/06/2018 10:01:02
Last post: 25/06/2018 13:29:34
Receipt URL in forms for editors has double PID causing it to break
Hi there, When I output the ReceiptUrl in an email template for Forms For Editors like this: @GetString("Submit.ReceiptUrl") I end up with a double PID in the URL: /Default.aspx?ID=61&PID=59&pid=59&s=WQBqAEsAbAA2AGoAUwB0ADUAVABBAD0A This  ...
Imar Spaanjaars
11/04/2018 20:04:56
Last post: 22/06/2018 11:33:20