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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Getting logged out for no reason, (permissions?)

Getting logged out for no reason, (permissions?)

Manon Wekking


We have trouble with a partner portal. There are several pages with permissions, but sometimes you can see the link to that page, but you are not aloud to visit that page. Then when you click on the page you get logged out, but you can't login again. Whe you delete your browser cookies then you can login again. 

Now I have seen a related problem, when I am logged in and click on my name to see my profile, then I get logged out as well and can't login again. 

Is this problem familiair for you? Is there anything we can do to prevent this?

Hope to hear from you soon.


Manon Wekking


Nicolai Pedersen

I have not seen that before.

Could you please provide us with a link + steps to reproduce? Here or in a case.

Thanks, Nicolai

Manon Wekking

Hi Nicolai, 

Thank you, I created a case. 




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