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Breadcrumb (menu) missing parent page
Hi, I have an Item as a page and when I am trying to render the breadcrumb, the XML is empty. The url is working as expected, since we're hiding Level 1 and Level 2 pages which are there just for organizational  ...
Nuno Aguiar
25/08/2018 00:43:20
Last post: 25/08/2018 01:05:52
Smart search visited a page gives no results
Hi, I created a smart searches with one rule: visited a page is 'the specfic page'. This gives no results and I am sure that people who have logged in have visited this page. And of course I logged in myself and went to the page as well. I tried the  ...
Manon Wekking
03/08/2018 10:59:38
Last post: 24/08/2018 16:49:50
Getting logged out for no reason, (permissions?)
Hi, We have trouble with a partner portal. There are several pages with permissions, but sometimes you can see the link to that page, but you are not aloud to visit that page. Then when you click on the page you get logged out, but you can't login ag ...
Manon Wekking
24/08/2018 10:48:52
Last post: 24/08/2018 13:31:54
Impersonation via API
Hi, My customers are divided into different usergroups, with the customers name as the group name. Under each group I have created an administrator-user with the same name as the group and with the email address as the username. The password is empty ...
Kurt Moskjær Andersen
24/08/2018 10:58:43
Last post: 24/08/2018 13:08:37
Disable debug = true
Hi! I was wondering if it is possible to disable ?debug=true from live website? This is what I found: It‘s from 2013 so I figured I‘d ask if there is a better fix th ...
Snaevar Petursson
21/08/2018 11:57:22
Last post: 22/08/2018 08:09:36
CustomerNumber in User Smart search
Hi Guys, I am trying to create a User SmartSearch to list all users that have CustomerNUmber not empty. However, I see that the field is not available in the list. Is there any way I can extend the list of fields available in the Smart Search? I am u ...
Adrian Ursu
15/04/2016 18:35:25
Last post: 21/08/2018 15:25:41
Question about item lists and personalization
Hi, I have a question about using item lists in combination with the personalization module. We have a customer who wants a website with a lot of news items, thats why our idea is to use item lists. There are pages with a 'theme', on those pages we w ...
Harald Brouwers
19/07/2018 12:49:02
Last post: 21/08/2018 14:46:26
Google Analytics querystring parameters in Email Marketing email
Hi When sending out newsletters using Email Marketing and Tracking = "Google Analytics" links in the newletter looks like this: http://[domain]/link.ashx?id=375&ref=83496&linkparam_utm_source=sou&linkparam_utm_medium=med&linkparam_utm ...
Lars Larsen
20/08/2018 14:18:00
Last post: 20/08/2018 15:42:51
Deployment tool not creating custom product fields
Hi there, We used the deployment tool to sync Ecom data between two sites. However, when the sync was done, we ran into lots of errors on the target when accessing the Ecom catalog. It turned out that the custom fields were not created as columns in  ...
Imar Spaanjaars
17/08/2018 11:40:29
Last post: 20/08/2018 13:29:02
How To 301 Redirect Images During a Website Redesign or CMS Migration
Hi Our customer had a lot of images from the old website and want to all redirect to the new site, same image. please advise is there a way to do it? Thanks Pang Lin ...
Tan Pang Lin
16/08/2018 00:49:14
Last post: 16/08/2018 15:42:40
CKEditor 4 styles are removed after save
Hi guys! I have a question about the CKEditor 4 usage in Dynamicweb. In the Dynamicweb CMS I've enabled the "Styles" option for my Editor, so the customer has some extra options for predefined styles. I've added a styleSet (just one style for now) as ...
Peter Leleulya
16/08/2018 12:50:03
Last post: 16/08/2018 13:04:17
Handling of urls in a single solution with more websites with same strukture
Hi Is it possible to have a strukture like below without ending up with urls that ends with -1,-2 etc. because the pages is named the same on the second site? I know its possible if each subsite has its own domain, but its not possible at this specif ...
Jacob Søndergaard
14/08/2018 11:57:33
Last post: 15/08/2018 11:14:40
Part List order - stock amount
When ordering more than 1 product that is a part list the stock amount of the parts is deducted in more than it should. For example, a kit product X made of: 1 Product Y 1 Product Z If you order 2 products X the stock should be deducted by 2 in the p ...
Rui Silva
09/07/2018 18:13:56
Last post: 14/08/2018 11:40:05
Smart search with users who didn't log in and got a specific email one week ago
Hi, We want to create a difficult smart search. We want to get a group of users that is in a special group, that never logged in before, that gat an email to login, and got this email one week ago. So the smart search we created is: - Group is Partne ...
Manon Wekking
20/02/2018 16:29:45
Last post: 14/08/2018 11:18:06
Cookie manager questions
Hi, I have a few questions in regards to the cookie manager for DW 9.4: 1) Any way to add cookies to the left side of the cookie manager (All cookies side/functional cookies) ? It seems you have to add it to the "right side". ? 2) in DW9, it seems as ...
Jan Sangill
17/04/2018 08:55:37
Last post: 14/08/2018 08:31:51
Create new user via API
Hey. I working on an frontend adminstration of users. Ref. this thread: From the frontend you submit a new user with username, Name and a selectable "deparmtment"(group).  ...
Bjørn Kamfjord
08/08/2018 13:55:21
Last post: 08/08/2018 14:40:38
Clicking Start Work Flow more than one seems break the WF definition
Hi I have created a content approval workflow as below - VA1 - to add/edit content - TPL1 - to review and approve content - TPL2 - to review and approve content. Below is what we had tested - VA1 had modify the content and click start the workflow. - ...
Tan Pang Lin
23/07/2018 04:31:34
Last post: 08/08/2018 03:36:11
Email marketing scheduled task
Hi guys, I have a l old solution running in a load balancing environment. I need to set up a recurring email marketing campaign that should send the same page to the same recipient every week. It is not a newsletter campaign but rather a pag ...
Adrian Ursu
01/08/2018 10:59:07
Last post: 03/08/2018 09:11:16
Forms for Datalists - List and edit records
Hi guys, I had a separate post about using forms for datalists where I got some answers but not a very comprehensive description of how the setup should look like. And the current documentation is not very clear about setting up what I try to achieve ...
Adrian Ursu
19/07/2018 16:21:07
Last post: 23/07/2018 12:44:55
Checking on Work Flow Feature
Hi Below is the step how I setup the workflow log in as Administrator, create the workflow having 3 steps where (default role) was assigened to execuate the steps Change the site setting to applied this workflow for the site. l ...
Tan Pang Lin
18/07/2018 10:50:04
Last post: 20/07/2018 01:20:03