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Forum » CMS - Standard features
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How does Group Admins work?
Hi, I've tried setting up users as Group Admins for a particular user group. However, I notice there is no difference with users who are not a Group Admin for that user group in terms of functionality rights like editing or creating user. Hence, it w ...
27/12/2018 09:40:59
Last post: 02/01/2019 14:10:34
Redirect to login page
We have a website where users have to login in order to view a portion of the website. I could use some clarification on how the redirect to the login page works. We currently have a page that contains the extranet app which we setup to show a login  ...
21/12/2018 15:57:31
Last post: 02/01/2019 09:44:36
Customer login
Hi we decided not tu use popup login on master page but when customer clicks in menu he goes to login page. On this page he can login, or register or he can reset password. This works ok if user enters his user name and password correctly and hi is t ...
Ivan Marijanović
21/12/2018 15:17:43
Last post: 02/01/2019 09:41:29
Custom 404 - problem
Hi there I have two sites on is at and second on and for both of them I set different Custom 404 page in web site settings but the second one displays 404 page of first one and I dont understand why. Ivan ...
Ivan Marijanović
21/12/2018 12:44:01
Last post: 21/12/2018 13:16:55
Delete database tables in "Settings -> Logs"
Hi, We would like to delete all submittet Forms for Edtior data from a specifik table in the database by every 6th month. We found the functionality in Settings -> Logs (in the bottom). But we couldn't select the table 'FormSubmitData'. How so? We ...
Marie Louise Veigert
20/12/2018 10:50:57
Last post: 20/12/2018 14:00:06
E-mail name cannot be filled in
Hi, We cannot fill the field Email name anymore. As you can see in the screenshot it is still there, but we cannot fill it when we make a mailing anymore. We still need this function in order to recognize an Email as some of them have the same subjec ...
Gerard Kocks
19/12/2018 08:55:48
Last post: 19/12/2018 11:45:05
All failures e-mailmarketing
Hi, We would like to export all failures of all sent emails together (instead of the failures per email / newsletter). Is this possible in DW? BR. Gerard ...
Gerard Kocks
17/12/2018 16:26:59
Last post: 18/12/2018 08:53:22
Custom field only filled by unknown users
Hi, For our Volandis solution we have a form with a field called 'Ik ontvang graag meer informatie over de dienstverlening van Volandis'. We mapped it to a custom field of a user (see attached pictures). Unfortunately the field is only filled when we ...
Gerard Kocks
30/11/2018 16:26:54
Last post: 17/12/2018 09:10:18
Draft mode, sorting and deactivating paragraphs
Hi, When a page is in draft mode (DW 9.5.2) and you either sort paragraphs or deactive paragraphs then that is also done in the published version of the page. Is that a known issue or is it by design? Regards / Aki ...
Aki Ruuskanen
05/12/2018 08:42:35
Last post: 17/12/2018 08:02:43
How to overwrite Canonical Link
Hello. I need to customize the canonical <link> in meta tags - adding the absolute URL instead of relative, and other specific change for product Pages. How can I override it, given the fact that it is returned in a single field "MetaTags" alto ...
Lara Arsénio
07/12/2018 15:50:23
Last post: 15/12/2018 16:27:24
Ecom Filter Definition Translation
Hi May I know where can I input translation text for Ecom Filter Definition Translation in the backend admin panel? Thanks Pang Lin ...
Tan Pang Lin
06/12/2018 13:07:58
Last post: 14/12/2018 14:51:42
Change standard value of custom date field
Hi, I have made some custom date fields and I am wondering if it is possible to change the standard value ‘Never’ to for example 01-01-2000. Does anyone know if this is possible? Best regards Gerard ...
Gerard Kocks
05/12/2018 09:04:21
Last post: 14/12/2018 14:25:53
Hide cart icon in mobile view
Hi, In mobile view, cart icon is appeared even checking in "hide cart icon " in website setting. I want to hide cart icon in my website. Please advice me how to solve that error. Best regards Phyo ...
Hsu Sandi Phyo
08/11/2018 09:40:56
Last post: 14/12/2018 08:55:28
Disable DW's Sitemap.xml
Hi, Is there a way to disable the automatic sitemap.xml generated by Dynamicweb? This is part of a long conversation with an SEO expert: Dynamicweb does not automatically generate the canonicals according to Customized URLs Sitemap is always returnin ...
Nuno Aguiar
10/12/2018 12:55:18
Last post: 12/12/2018 17:05:49
Huge amount of Diagnostic and Log files cause major delays on applicaton restart
Hi, In recent times we noticed that a couple of our DW sites, hosted in Azure. Had major problems coming online after an applicaton restart. I'm talking about 40 minutes for the site to come online again. After some digging we found what was causing  ...
Harald Brouwers
10/12/2018 11:09:00
Last post: 10/12/2018 21:54:58
Tons of ThreadAbort exceptions
We're seeing many ThreadAbortExceptions being logged under System\Log\Templates\Errors\Year\Month, like this: 2018-10-09 15:31:11.1269|ERROR|Templates|Error in razor template|System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted. at System. ...
Imar Spaanjaars
09/10/2018 21:36:08
Last post: 07/12/2018 21:01:22
Admin prevent brute force attack
Hi Dynamicweb, How do I setup prevention of brute force attack for the administration? It seems like we have no limits to set for wrong combination of username and password. Best regards, Anders ...
Anders Ebdrup
01/11/2017 21:54:41
Last post: 06/12/2018 14:00:59
Is it possible to lock out editors from website settings?
Is this possible to do? A much needed future feature if it´s not already possible. /Hans ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
04/12/2018 17:07:12
Last post: 06/12/2018 10:13:43
Button link downloads page instead of opening it!
I have issue in standard paragraph where we defined link as button. Button is displayes on front page and when we click on button it downloads page instead of openning it! Ivan ...
Ivan Marijanović
06/12/2018 08:44:25
Last post: 06/12/2018 09:29:38
Nlog configuration
Hello, A while back there was mention that with 9.4.x or 9.5 the possibility would come back that we could influence the NLOG configuration, to add our own targets and configuration. We have been looking if there was anything mentioned in the documen ...
Hans Kloppenborg
20/11/2018 13:17:10
Last post: 29/11/2018 11:14:53