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Collecting consent on user Create/Edit

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi guys,

From the documentation I understand that I can only collect consent for one Activity when the User is created or Edited using the Extranet App.

Is this something that's gonna change in the future?

I can easily see a few situations where a site would have more than one activity to collect consent for.

Please advise.

Thank you,



Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Adrian

You can use the forms for editors to create users. Forms can collect one consent for each checkbox. Maybe that could suffice?

BR Nicolai

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi NIcolai,

The Extranet App is more appropriate for Creating users as you can control the Groups they are assigned to, the double opt-in, the notifications etc.

Using forms for editors, as is now, is good just for collecting consent. If you want to allow editing the consent, you have to create a custom template because the checkboxes will always default to empty, not to the previous consent given. Not impossible to do, but I think it should be a lot easier for anybody to set it up. Don't you think?

Consent collection should be easy, implementation wise. During User creation, User editing and Checkout.

I understand it's not easy to include them in the existing modules but I think it would be a lot easier for everybody if they would be included and become standard functionality. Otherwise we'll always have to find alternatives and 10 developer might find 10 slightly different approaches.

Thank you,


Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Adrian

See my other post - I understand your request, but I am not sure you need consent in the scenarios above. I.e. when users buy something on your site and create an account, they are customers and seperate consent is not needed in most cases.

BR Nicolai

Thomas Jensen

Hi Nicolai

If you have newsletter signup during checkout, you still need a seperat consent for that. (I'm told)
there is no consent selection linked to the "Use email subscription" checkbox in the Cart app
and also having a posibility to assign user to a Group if they select to signup for newsletter would be very nice

Atm you can not have a discount (in you next order), only for those who have signed up for the newsletter
You either need to assign them to a seperat group (can be done manually), or you need to be able to select those with "Email permission"

Regards Thomas


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