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Forum » CMS - Standard features
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Repository Index - Create new field
Hi, Working with integration and large amounts of attributes being brought over automatically, our integration specialists have the need to store the systemName as IDs to match the ERP. This is the result So  ...
Nuno Aguiar
17/09/2018 11:08:04
Last post: 19/09/2018 11:56:03
Server error: request has too many parameters
If we make a group and connect a smart search to it, we receive the error attached (in case the result of the smart search has more than 2.100 users). ...
Gerard Kocks
16/03/2018 13:36:04
Last post: 18/09/2018 16:03:22
Delete Page from "List sub pages" display type
Hi guys, I have a solution running 9.4.16. I have set a page (Blog) to "List sub pages". Searching and sorting works fine but I have no way of deleting pages from this view. Is this a bug? Am I missing a setting? A right click menu would be awesome f ...
Adrian Ursu
18/09/2018 12:47:22
Last post: 18/09/2018 15:15:53
Fixing Google API keys
Hi there, I just set up a new site using a new domain name and now I am getting errors when doing Google maps related work in the backend. The problem is described here well: Could it be ...
Imar Spaanjaars
08/04/2018 21:52:17
Last post: 18/09/2018 14:01:19
Visit details don't seem to work
Hey, I've got a problem in a DW 9 solution for one of our customers ( When I go to a user and then click on visits and then request details for one visit I get a blank screen. In the console I see the following log text: visitor det ...
André van der Zijden
06/12/2017 16:29:15
Last post: 14/09/2018 14:47:50
Inserting or editing item on Itemlist, radio button list field shows value in stead of label
Hi, One of our customers got confused when while inserting or editing an item in an itemlist because the chosen radiobutton value is being shown, in stead of the label of the choice. Example: Radiobutton has 2 options: Morning value AM Afternoon valu ...
Hans Kloppenborg
26/06/2018 16:02:22
Last post: 13/09/2018 15:06:28
Forms for Editors and session-variables
Hi, Is it possible to set the standard value for a hidden field, to be a session variable? -- Best regards Kurt Moskjaer Andersen ...
Kurt Moskjær Andersen
13/09/2018 10:05:51
Last post: 13/09/2018 10:25:49
Most popular pages
Hi Guys, I have a heavy content based project and I need to find a way to display "Most Popular" articles. Is there a way to easily display such a list? I would assume "Popular" = "with most visits" Thanks, Adrian ...
Adrian Ursu
10/12/2016 23:57:50
Last post: 13/09/2018 10:20:55
Access to the path is denied error message
Hi, We're having an error in a 9.4.18 solution when trying to rename a file. This is what we get I tried recycling the solution thinking it might be something not reproducable, but it still happens. Can anyone  ...
Nuno Aguiar
10/09/2018 19:42:13
Last post: 11/09/2018 16:13:29
IncludeFile bug?
In my code, i use IncludeFile to include files.... But, this works: @IncludeFile("Product.cshtml") This does not work: @if (assortmentId.Count() == 0) { IncludeFile("Product..cshtml"); } This gives me the error: No overload for method 'IncludeFile' t ...
Bjørn Kamfjord
11/09/2018 14:28:47
Last post: 11/09/2018 15:58:46
RTL and Hebrew friendly links
Hi guys, I have my fist situation of this kind. I am localizing a website to support Hebrew and RTL. RTL was easily solved with a Bootstrap fix but for Hebrew I have an issue with generating Friendly links. I keep getting weird characters in the frie ...
Adrian Ursu
05/09/2018 20:12:10
Last post: 07/09/2018 09:07:32
Extranet and usergroups
Hi, I've setup the Extranet-module with impersonation. When a user logs in, he is automatically impersonating the admin-user of the usergroup. I would like him to be able to create new users in the specific usergroup and will be using the standard fu ...
Kurt Moskjær Andersen
30/08/2018 09:05:08
Last post: 03/09/2018 08:25:41
Lock obtained in index all the time
We are running a DW 9.4.9 with Rapido 2.0 and have many problems with the index. All the time we get this message: Lock obtained at Lucene.Net.Store.Lock.Obtain(Int64 lockWaitTimeout) at Lucene.Net.Index.IndexWriter.Init(Directory d, Analyzer a, Bool ...
Martin Grønbekk Moen
05/06/2018 09:06:16
Last post: 31/08/2018 10:40:21
Can not show Item Relation List Field in QueryPublsiher
Hi I have an ItemField of the type Item Relation List, that no mather what i do - i can not display it with the Query Publsiher I assume the field should be of the type String[] ? I have tried by creating a field myself, and have also tried. - using  ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
20/07/2018 15:01:54
Last post: 30/08/2018 17:53:33
Content placeholder rows/grid/framework
Hi At the Summit last year, Nicolai showed a demo of how it was possible to set up grid/framework for the page placeholder area, so you could get a more intuitive and flexible content placeholder area. Think it was configured in a file, so you coul c ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
30/08/2018 11:34:44
Last post: 30/08/2018 11:48:28
Is the index query case sensitive?
Have worked with this many times, but not really noticed this before Seems the index query is case sensitive? I have a parameter of type text, where i search through the index for pages matching the parameter value. If the parameter value is eg. = "m ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
29/08/2018 17:23:22
Last post: 30/08/2018 11:13:14
Item - change field type from decimal number to text, without loosing the value of already created items
Hi Is it possible to somehow change the type of a field in an itemtype from decimal number to text, without loosing data of already created items? (we have 2.000 items, and donĀ“t want to enter all data again) If i eg. have an item type field of the t ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
29/08/2018 08:11:26
Last post: 29/08/2018 10:43:49
I don't want to have to choose paymentoption, what do I do?
Hello! In my webshop DW is not supposed to handle the payments, everything is sent to an external system which handles all that. So I'm trying to create an order without specifying the payment option at all, but that doesn't appear to be possible. I  ...
Oscar Romin
27/08/2018 17:03:06
Last post: 29/08/2018 10:26:34
New permission model - still BETA?
Hi According to this page the new permission model is in beta. When do you expect it not to be in beta? ...
Lars Larsen
28/08/2018 10:47:18
Last post: 28/08/2018 11:18:32
New permission model - old permissions
Hi It seems like permissions from the old permission model is not automatically migrated to the new permission model. So one have to setup all permissions when switching to the new permission model on existing solutions. Is that correct? ...
Lars Larsen
28/08/2018 10:04:18
Last post: 28/08/2018 10:11:14