We have a website where users have to login in order to view a portion of the website.
I could use some clarification on how the redirect to the login page works.
- We currently have a page that contains the extranet app which we setup to show a login form as described at https://doc.dynamicweb.com/documentation-9/users/user-management/extranet
- At the website settings we've pointed Login page (id) to that page.
- We've set the permissions of some of the pages to deny access to non-authenticated users
Now what I was thinking/hoping is that Dynamicweb would redirect to the login page we selected when a users tries to visit a protected page, but this doesn't seem to be the case.
We now use a workaround where we've added a template to the extranet folder that does the redirect and select that template via the Login template at the website settings.
How can we make this redirect work without using a template?