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Less not working with javascript compiler. Is it due to a missing mimetype on the server?
I have set it up like this <link rel="stylesheet/less" type="text/css" href="/Files/Templates/Designs/SSTemplate/css/styles.less" /> <script src="//" ></script> I believe this  ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
24/01/2019 13:04:11
Last post: 28/01/2019 16:28:42
Best practice for managing Consent
Hi guys, What would be the best practice for setting up a way to manage consent. Say, a user has created account, then he want to give consent to some activities and decides at a later time that he wants to adjust the consents he already gave. What w ...
Adrian Ursu
17/01/2019 15:48:37
Last post: 25/01/2019 13:55:43
Navigation in drop-down menu with broad structure
1) If I have a menu with many levels and each level has a deep structure, it is not possible to navigate in the menu. See screen recording, 2) When the dropdown opens, there is no reason why it shouldn't behav ...
Siv Hansen
24/01/2019 10:03:49
Last post: 24/01/2019 11:38:45
Set up redirect with querystring parameters
Hi, I need to setup a simple redirect for a Forgot Password "page". Am I doing something wrong, or is there a limitation on the way redirects (old DirectPaths) are handled? Best Regards, Nuno Aguiar ...
Nuno Aguiar
23/01/2019 17:12:54
Last post: 23/01/2019 22:21:56
Forms for editors > File field > Restricted file types
Hi guys! In the docs: It says: "Some file extensions are not allowed, e.g. .cshtml, .aspx and similar, and filenames are automatically cleaned of illegal char ...
Jesper Holm Damgaard
23/01/2019 15:09:28
Last post: 23/01/2019 16:26:41
Remove user group
Hi, We delated different user groups under user management. The strange thing is that in first case it is possible to remove them, but the next day the user groups are back. Is there a proces in DW that makes them coming back again? Kind gerards, Man ...
Manon Wekking
02/03/2018 09:01:19
Last post: 18/01/2019 12:22:57
In need for an easy way of adding a H1 to a page
In my current project, the site editors must have the ability to add a h1 heading to a page without having to use the wysiwyg editor (aka marking and choosing style). Does DW have this scheduled for an upcomming release? A h1 heading on a page is ess ...
Siv Hansen
18/01/2019 09:43:37
Last post: 18/01/2019 09:56:34
Frontend editing not working
I've searched the forum, but cannot find an answer to my question: when I enable frontend editing a new tab opens with the url FrontendEditing/FrontendEditing.aspx?PageID=<pageid>&FrontendEditingState=edit However, I'm not able to edit anyt ...
Siv Hansen
11/01/2019 11:17:57
Last post: 17/01/2019 08:54:37
Image selectors in paragraphs
In my paragraph, I have a wysiwyg-editor, with the option of selecting an image. I've changed the editor, but Image is part of the new configuration. However, when I clikc image, nothing happens. That is, i believe the window for image is hidden behi ...
Siv Hansen
14/01/2019 13:34:28
Last post: 15/01/2019 05:04:45
Forms, how to delete an input field
I've made a form with 9 input fields of various types. Now I want to delete a couple of them, but I cannot locate any delete button. I have the option of disabeling it in the form, but I want to delete it. How? Best wishes. ...
Siv Hansen
14/01/2019 09:47:51
Last post: 14/01/2019 10:02:20
Metadata for sharing in social media
During my training, I tried to share a page from a DW solution on social media (in this case, Facebook) with no success. The facebook Debugger complains about missing og-tags - in which there are no such metadata in my source code. Is this a bug, a c ...
Siv Hansen
11/01/2019 15:09:20
Last post: 11/01/2019 15:20:29
Difference between "hide in menu" and "clickable"
when editing a page, I have the option to not show a page in the menu "hide in menu", which hides the element accordingly. However, under page properties, I have an option "clickable", and when I untick this checkbox, the page dissapears from the men ...
Siv Hansen
11/01/2019 12:58:35
Last post: 11/01/2019 14:36:07
Custom selector in filter in ItemPublisher
Hi, When using the ItemPublisher-app on a paragraph, is it possible to use custom selectors in the filters-section? I would like to have a filter like "ActiveTo less than {{NOW}}" instead of having to select a specific date from the popup-calendar, o ...
Kurt Moskjær Andersen
11/01/2019 13:53:20
Last post: 11/01/2019 14:25:03
Website property vs language
I've come to understand that you can have multiple websites with translations in DW. What I don't understand is how to organise them. For example, I've made a demo for Finnskogen Adventures in Norwegian and English, and I also have a sports whole-sal ...
Siv Hansen
11/01/2019 11:38:54
Last post: 11/01/2019 14:19:47
Translation interface - bug in presentation
Now I'm reading about translation and read that there is a website level translation interface, in which I accessed. The screen I get has sideways scroll, and the interface where I can edit my strings is very tiny. Can you fix this? See screenshot My ...
Siv Hansen
11/01/2019 10:01:19
Last post: 11/01/2019 11:21:13
Not possible to choose format
When editing text in a paragraph container (or elsewhere), I cannot edit style of an item. See video I type a heading, hightlights it and press the dropdown where it says "normal". Here, (as in this forum) I get the heading 1-6 etc and that's what I' ...
Siv Hansen
10/01/2019 16:40:46
Last post: 11/01/2019 08:35:02
No layout selected for website
I need urgent help. Suddenly bunch of my websites / languages do not render with error "No layout selected for website" and I cannot find where is problem. When I go to Apps and to Website and the Layout is set correctly to Rapido:Page as it is in on ...
Ivan Marijanović
07/01/2019 16:04:45
Last post: 07/01/2019 16:43:06
Limit items allowed in dwcontent area
Hi If we have a page that has eg. two colums, it would be really helpful if it was possible to limit/define what paragraph items are allowed in each of the colums (dwcontent area). Is this possible somehow? If not, consider this a feature request :)  ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
19/12/2018 09:37:23
Last post: 04/01/2019 13:34:02
Link to sitemap
Hi Guys, I am trying to submit a sitemap to Google. I have noticed that whenever I try to access /sitemap.xml I am redirected to a page like this:; I am not sure w ...
Adrian Ursu
25/01/2018 19:52:40
Last post: 03/01/2019 14:44:54
Where to see the bounced e-mails?
Hi, When an e-mail is sent with e-mail marketing to a lot of users and most of the users did get the mail but a few dind't, then the e-mail gets red in the marketing module. How can I see the bounces of the e-mail (the e-mail adresses that dind't get ...
Mannon Wekking
15/08/2017 13:59:43
Last post: 03/01/2019 10:03:06