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Create 301 redirects for deleted pages after import
Hi guys, I have a DW8 solution where I have a scheduled task importing ItemType pages. The task is set to delete pages that are not in the source anymore. Obviously, if those pages are indexed by Google, they will start returning 404 errors. Which is ...
Adrian Ursu
15/07/2019 11:22:25
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'Hide For Phone' option did not work on item-based page
Hi All, I checked 'Hide for Phone' option on one of the item-based page and saved it. But I can still see the page on mobile responsive of that site. Can you please check and advise? Best Regards, Nyein ...
Aye Nyein Myat
02/07/2019 09:41:55
Last post: 15/07/2019 07:02:03
Prevent sending of Emails using Notifications
Hi guys, I have to implement some rules for preventing the send of emails if some conditions are met. I won't focus on the conditions, I just need to know what would be the best practice. I have identified a few notifications: OnBeforeSendReceipt, On ...
Adrian Ursu
08/07/2019 17:14:58
Last post: 10/07/2019 10:58:33
Delivery provider for Newsletter v3
Hi, Can I change the Deliveryprovider for the old newsletter v3 module? Or is it just using the common SMTP settings from System Setup in Management Center? It's an old DW 8.8.1.. Thanks - Mikkel Ulstrup ...
Mikkel Ulstrup
08/07/2019 14:48:48
Last post: 10/07/2019 09:04:15
Find out what country the user come from
Does Dynamicweb have some kind of tag that show what country a user come from based by ex. IP? We need to set currency based on the user country, and would like to know if there are something in DW we can use, or if we have to code something our selv ...
Martin Grønbekk Moen
06/06/2018 10:42:56
Last post: 05/07/2019 11:05:14
Reset friendly URL cache
Hi guys, I have a project where I use explicit URLs for Product MetaURL. Meaning that during import, I am supplying the value to ProductMetaURL field. Everything seems fine, except for a few situations where the URLs are not resolved correctly. I am  ...
Adrian Ursu
04/07/2019 13:08:14
Last post: 05/07/2019 09:24:44
Problemer med Produkt selector
Hej, VI har kunden ActionSportsGames, som bruger DW versionen De har et item, hvor de bruger en Produkt selector. De får hvad du kan se i det vedhæftede, hvis de produkter der vælges har specialtegn i navnet. Har i mulighed for, at løse dett ...
Cecilia Sørensen Vejle
02/07/2019 08:31:54
Last post: 02/07/2019 10:35:02
Intelligent Tracking Prevention 2.2
Hi Dynamicweb, I would like to know your thoughts about ITP (2.2) and how to mitigate this to handle cookies? Best regards, Anders ...
Anders Ebdrup
28/06/2019 09:51:07
Last post: 01/07/2019 17:11:42
ItemPublisher override filtering
Hi there, The items we are listing (using ItemPublisher module) have a Year field and we want to pre-select the items from current year. To achieve that we add a rule for Year field with value @Code(DateTime.Now.Year). ...
Mario Santos
26/06/2019 15:18:34
Last post: 27/06/2019 09:11:31
GUI for editors - Is it possible to sort the order of the paragraph/page items when the editor creates new page/paragraph
Question: Is it possible to sort the order of the paragraph/page items when the editor creates new page/paragraph? If yes, how can this be achieved? /Hans ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
19/06/2019 16:51:58
Last post: 21/06/2019 10:37:34
New permissions model and inheritance
Hello, I have a content page structure like the following: Internal Reports Sales Reps Management On the Internal Reports folder, we have locked it down to people in the SalesReps and Management folders. We want both SalesReps and Management people t ...
Scott Forsyth
17/05/2019 18:14:16
Last post: 20/06/2019 17:14:32
Select variants and products in Products field type
Hi guys, I have a solution running on DW 9.3.3 and there is something weird going on. I have an ItemType based Paragraph with a Product field on it. Usually, the product field allows selection of both Variants and products. In this situation, it allo ...
Adrian Ursu
04/06/2019 14:38:18
Last post: 17/06/2019 09:43:58
Using Presets in ItemType fields
Hi guys, I have tried my hand on the new "presets" feature and I have a few questions: 1. Can it be used in regular Paragraph or Page ItemTypes or just in Website Settings? 2. The JSON definition for the Preset, should be created manually? 3. I have  ...
Adrian Ursu
01/06/2019 15:28:29
Last post: 17/06/2019 09:40:42
The same key was already used for another template
Hi, I have a problem where, whenever I make a change to a template (even just adding a space or a newline), my frontend breaks with the message: Exception in template (UserManagement/ViewProfile/xxxxx.cshtml): System.InvalidOperationException: The sa ...
Jonas Krarup Dam
07/06/2019 13:55:08
Last post: 11/06/2019 13:00:44
Receiving this error when I try to go the "Permission" section on a content node
Hi, I am receiving this error when I try to go the "Permission" section on a content node. Any idea what I should do? I have checked that all the dlls are present. Server Error in '/' Application. Method not found: 'Int32 Dynamicweb.Security.UserMana ...
Martin Møller Christensen
03/06/2019 16:31:05
Last post: 04/06/2019 08:56:44
Custom font in PDF
Hi, When generating a Pdf with the PDF=true parameter, how can we add a custom font to the generated pdf. We've installed the font on the server, when viewing in the browser on the server it shows the correct font. But on the pdf output it is not the ...
Jesse Bakker
03/06/2019 12:18:36
Last post: 03/06/2019 13:53:01
Editor window makes no use of availible space on page
Working on my 27" monitor I always work in many windows at the same time. The editor frame often jumps to a very narrow size even though there is lots of of free room for it to be a lot wider. Which would make a much better use os the editor and a be ...
Per Søgaard
31/05/2019 16:21:27
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Indexing fields as double
Hi, We have some double fields we want to use as facets. But when showing in frontend the facet values show up as random charaters. (eg. , $, (@, , 0 ,4, 8, <, @, D@, H, L , P) I've add an example of the index, query, facet files used. It ...
Jesse Bakker
27/05/2019 11:23:11
Last post: 28/05/2019 12:11:11
Orders Permission
Dear Sir, We have 3 Admin Groups for managning Ecommerce . Singapore Admin,China Admin and Japan Admin. When I select "Orders", for all orders, it shows all orders for all sites. But each site should not haver permission to see the other site's order ...
Tin Ma Ma
19/03/2019 03:59:17
Last post: 27/05/2019 06:35:12
Extranet: Users getting logged off after short period of time
Hey, we have an extranet set up where the users are getting logged off after a short period of time. I don't know exactly how long they remain logged in, but it's 2 hours at most. The solution is running v. 9.6.1 Under Settings > Control Panel > ...
Martin Kure
19/02/2019 10:30:31
Last post: 24/05/2019 13:12:21