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Forum » CMS - Standard features
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Password complexity rules change password
We are using the password complexity rules option on extranet (see screenshot). This is working as intended when registering a new user and using the extranet app with login context to set the new password. If the complexity is not met, an error is s ...
Martin Grønbekk Moen
05/12/2019 11:11:21
Last post: 06/12/2019 01:40:42
DW9 File Browser does not see .svg files
Hi in DW8 Admin we were able to browse using the file browser for .svg Files eg for adding an image for Users' Geolocation map, url looked like this: /Admin/FileManager/Browser/Default.aspx?Mode=browse&Caller=FM_GeoLocationImage&Folder=/& ...
Kevin O'Driscoll
07/03/2019 14:51:54
Last post: 05/12/2019 10:34:10
Item Publisher - Sorting
Hi, I have a Item Publisher that renders paragraph items. I have set the "Order by" to "Sort order". Bu in frontend the items are rendered in what seems a random order. I read in some older threads about some bug related to this but I guress those ar ...
Aki Ruuskanen
02/12/2019 09:40:45
Last post: 02/12/2019 13:56:54
Documentation for content placeholders settings and the grid engine
Hello I'm struggling to find any documentation for settings of the content placeholders. Can someone provide me with a link to this? I was recently made aware of the grid settings, which I would like to explore. I also vaguely remember someone mentio ...
Jakob Rungø
25/11/2019 12:52:21
Last post: 26/11/2019 11:11:43
User permissions to Ecommerce and PIM areas
Hi, I need a user group with full permissions to only the Ecommerce and PIM areas of the backend. The platform is DW 9.7.2 using the new permission model. I attach screenshots of the configuration of the permission matrix for this user group. Summari ...
Tomas Gomez
21/11/2019 11:47:27
Last post: 25/11/2019 12:12:40
Button Text get chop off without a proper wrap
Dear Sir, The English word gets to chop off without a proper wrap at button text in the IE browser. This is ok in Chrome as the word wrap correctly without chopping. In IE which chops the English word into two, without even hyphenated. Thanks Phu ...
Thet Nong Phu
22/11/2019 05:23:16
Last post: 25/11/2019 05:11:20
Question about Forms for Editors
Hello, On the Winnebago website ( we have the following situation: - Forms for Editors module attached to a page, page which we get via an ajax call in another pages, the contents being rendered in a modal win ...
Sean Meade
14/11/2019 03:34:13
Last post: 23/11/2019 12:54:17
Turning Paragraph based Items to Page based items - is it possible?
Hi we have a solution we are workning on, where we want to turn existing paragraph based items on a page to pagebased items under a page folder. Is this possible to do somehow? /Hans ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
22/11/2019 12:08:17
Last post: 22/11/2019 12:17:53
File upload limit in "Files"
Hi, Is there any other limits today in file upload in "Files" than what can be configured in web.config and "maxAllowedContentLength". Is saw some old forum posts that talks about 50mb and 100mb filesize limits. The documentation does not menation an ...
Aki Ruuskanen
20/11/2019 11:27:51
Last post: 21/11/2019 08:09:10
Error copying Area
Hi guys, I've got this error when I tried to copy an area: Error happened while executing operation! Area was not copied! Any ideeas why? Is there a log for this type of operations that I can check? I am using Thanks, Adrian ...
Adrian Ursu
05/03/2017 01:26:16
Last post: 20/11/2019 16:21:41
scanning site for cookie use
Hi When using DynamicWebs Cookie Manager, you can add cookies that a site is using, but how do you scan the site to find what cookies are used on the site. Using a 3rd party to scan; eg. they have a free tool to scan 3-5 pages, not the  ...
Thomas Jensen
07/11/2019 16:22:38
Last post: 07/11/2019 17:02:20
Using non-standard ports for http/https
Hi Team, Does Dynamicweb support using non-standard ports? The stylesheets aren't loading when we use anything other than port 80/443. Thanks, Terri ...
Terri Donahue
14/10/2019 19:50:57
Last post: 05/11/2019 16:19:27
Direct Paths in dynamicweb
Hi, I'm trying to add a direct path from this url:ælg-designer-shin-azumi.aspx to thisælg-designer-shin-azumi.aspx?PID=1307 but it dosent redirect. designer ...
Mads Sjørslev
04/11/2019 10:42:01
Last post: 05/11/2019 12:28:49
CookieManager - how do i list Secure cookies and Tracking cookies
Hi In Cookie Manager, I can make custom Cookies categories and with API I can list them using CookieManager.GetCategories() and inturn also list cookies selected/added in those categories CookieManager.GetCategoryCookies( [Cookies categorie] ) eg. Co ...
Thomas Jensen
24/10/2019 16:14:08
Last post: 04/11/2019 11:48:50
Inconsistent path for FileManager product fields
Hi guys, I have a solution running DW 9.6.3 with Rapido 3.1. I have the Document field set on the product. Field type is FileManager. I also have another custom field on the product, Icon1, also of type FileManager. When I try to output them in the t ...
Adrian Ursu
02/11/2019 12:48:14
Last post: 04/11/2019 11:06:30
Find all broken links on website
There used to be a link management tool, but I can not find it. Has this been deprecated, or is there another way to find broken links on a website for both published and unpublished content? /Hans ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
31/10/2019 11:01:34
Last post: 31/10/2019 11:46:38
Custom dashboard widgets
Hi there, I can think of a ton of cool things you can do with the new dashboards. Are they based on an extensible model? In other words, can I create my own? Any guidance on how to do that would be great. Thanks, Imar ...
Imar Spaanjaars
06/09/2017 21:30:59
Last post: 30/10/2019 15:40:02
Image settings on files in CMS slows down file browsing massively
Hello, For our customer (DW 9.6.9) we put image settings on the Files/Images folder in an attempt to lessen the load on the website since they tend to upload huge, badly compressed files. Last week we got the complaint from the custome ...
Hans Kloppenborg
28/10/2019 16:09:26
Last post: 29/10/2019 09:18:53
Product Catalog module UI issue
Hi guys, I know I have posted this issue a couple of times already and every time I got back the suggestion to clear my cookies or session. I was hoping that the newer versions will find a way to get rid of this annoying behavior but even in the late ...
Adrian Ursu
24/10/2019 14:18:38
Last post: 29/10/2019 08:37:59
My Favorites - doesn't work properly
Hi, I have set Public unit to (10th Dec,2019). It is still public and seen at my list. Why is it happened? I have tried for My favorite list as non public. But I can add products to the non public list. Can I know the purpose of using "Public" option ...
Nay Chi Phyo
03/01/2019 04:31:30
Last post: 29/10/2019 04:45:39