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Forum » CMS - Standard features
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Editable list and Presets
Hi guys, I am trying to create an ItemType that would support Presets. Everything seems to be fine except for handling Editable lists and presets. I have a field of type Editable list, and I can save the values in the preset definition but when I ope ...
Adrian Ursu
17/01/2020 09:57:36
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Mixed content
Mixed Content: The page at 'https://myproject.localhost/Admin/Default' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure script ''. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS. Is thi ...
Peter Leleulya
15/01/2020 13:52:50
Last post: 15/01/2020 16:29:49
Mailings with personalisation keeps hanging
Hi support, For one of our customers we make use of the e-mail marketing within Dynamicweb 9.7.3. The regular e-mails are sending correctly, but the ones with personalisation in them not. We have increased the max. mailing size on the mailserver, but ...
Willem Ruiter
06/12/2019 13:01:19
Last post: 13/01/2020 17:06:49
Enabling SSL for SMTP
Hi Team, Is there a trick to getting SSL to work in the SMTP settings? I have tried 587 and choosing SSL for the configuration and it never passes when I test it. Thanks, Terri ...
Terri Donahue
03/01/2020 19:49:11
Last post: 13/01/2020 17:03:20
Bad Request message after Admin login
Hi, Since a couple of weeks we regulary get a "Bad Request" message after logging in into the backend in a browser tab that has not been used for a while with the login page on it. I can imagine that this is some sort of security measure but it is a  ...
Hans Kloppenborg
15/08/2019 10:51:40
Last post: 10/01/2020 12:17:16
Missing data on UserSchema
Hi, Working with user repositories we found the following properties to be missing from the User Schema: GeolocationLatitude GeolocationLongitude State Region Image ExternalId We applied an IndexBuilderExtender as a workaround, but there should reall ...
Nuno Aguiar
29/10/2019 17:03:51
Last post: 09/01/2020 20:39:08
Override Primary Domain in Development instance
Hi guys, I know it is a long shot but I need to try :) Is there any trick I can use to override the Primary Domain set on website settings, for the development instance? I want to avoid duplicating the database just because of this. I would use IIS f ...
Adrian Ursu
08/01/2020 14:32:32
Last post: 08/01/2020 15:31:15
URLs of equal page names
Hi, We have two websites inside a staging environment. Both websites have a "contact" page. Each website will be linked to a different domain, so the final URLs have to be "" and "". Right now, URLs canno ...
Tomas Gomez
07/01/2020 15:55:13
Last post: 08/01/2020 11:32:51
Zoom value in Maps module
Hi guys, Is there any way I can also save the Zoom setting when overriding default location settings? The Lat and Long are saved but I need to render the map at a different zoom. If it's not currently possible, can you consider it as a feature reques ...
Adrian Ursu
17/11/2019 15:49:32
Last post: 07/01/2020 21:42:03
Default value for Snippet
Hi guys, I have a situation where I am using a Snippet to write some data in the header. More than just writing the content of the snippet, I need to have a default value for the snippet in case the snippet is not defined or it is empty. To be more e ...
Adrian Ursu
15/11/2019 14:37:05
Last post: 07/01/2020 18:17:17
Hide language layer
Is it possible to set a language layer of a website to some kind of unpublished state so that it's only accessible on the backend? As soon as we make a new language layer the website is accessible on the frontend, which is not what we want. If i set  ...
John Broers
13/12/2019 11:03:34
Last post: 07/01/2020 17:07:44
Making Dashboard iframe 6 columns instead of 4
Hello, is it possible to make the iframe 6 columns instead of 4? As far as i can see in the docs, it does not appear to be a feature, but can you force it somehow, database etc? Thomas ...
Thomas Berthelsen
07/01/2020 09:29:26
Last post: 07/01/2020 16:48:03
ProductPicker in Item ViewModel
Hey I am trying to create a product picker item (sorta like the one you use in your newsletter on rapido). - and since it is not mentioned on the dokumentation page - I tried to follow the code mentioned by Morten here: ...
Claus Kølbæk
05/01/2020 16:43:51
Last post: 07/01/2020 08:27:55
Clean up File and Database Logs
Dw Version 9.7.3 We currently have in 10,198,864 rows in table Statv2SessionBot and other stat tables are also big. We had running the log configurator here: "Once you check the  ...
Kevin O'Driscoll
18/12/2019 15:34:55
Last post: 20/12/2019 12:21:29
Login Send Existing Password
Hi, I am trying to send users password on recovery insted of Recovery URL. on module i have select "Send Existing Password" but it keeps send Recovery URL. all the templates are rapido default templates. Is there anything I am missing also on email i ...
Umar Farooq
18/12/2019 10:35:05
Last post: 18/12/2019 14:04:11
Email placeholder tags question
Hi guys, I have a question about email placeholder tags usage. On page is stated that an email placeholder tag can be used in mails used in email marketing. We have a mail for ...
Peter Leleulya
12/12/2019 15:43:08
Last post: 16/12/2019 11:54:56
Blocking unwanted guests
Is there a way to block either individual ip-addresses or blocks of addresses in Dynamicweb, or does this have to be done in IIS/Firewall? We have a customer where a limited number of ip-addresses are creating and abandoning about 500.000 carts every ...
Jonas Krarup Dam
13/12/2019 08:41:15
Last post: 16/12/2019 07:21:44
Permission not work properly
Dear Sir, I am trying to give one of user-group for having read permission at Setting>>Ecommerce>>Advanced Configuration>>Rounding. But the user can't see the Rounding setting when I give the read permission. User can only see round ...
Thet Nong Phu
10/12/2019 10:35:49
Last post: 11/12/2019 02:39:27
How to setup multiple websites with same language layers in one solution?
Hi We need help regarding setup of multiple websites with same language layers - eg. /da, /uk and so on. I have read and tried Mortens suggestions: ...
Allan Iversen
05/12/2019 14:23:56
Last post: 10/12/2019 15:03:38
CKeditor - change editor config per website
Hi! I have a client that has their regular webpage on 1 website and another website containing all the newsletters. So.. is it possible to use a editor configuration on one and another configuration on another website? From what I can tell its only p ...
Lars Pham
06/12/2019 13:47:04
Last post: 06/12/2019 17:51:55