Posted on 26/05/2020 13:50:58
Hi Nicolai,
The old statistics was enabled as latest Rapido /Files come with them enabled.
It was also enabled in the clients solution.
I tested furhter yesterday and there seems to be a difference in when changes to personalization settings on paragraphs are reflected in the fronted.
The way Editors have worked is that they have two browser tabs open in Chrome, one with the backend making changes to Personaliztion settings on paragraphs, and the other tab with the fronted. Reloading the frontend tab has instantly reflected the changes. For example hiding a paragraph to logged in users.
This is currently the behavior in the clients 9.5.7 solution when I test it today.
When I do the same in a default Rapido with 9.8.5 application or on the clients upgraded solution it works slightly different. After hiding a paragraph to logged in users its still visible in tab two after a reload. But opening Chrome dev tools and clearing cookies makes the change reflect.
Also viewing the frontend in a separate Chorme Incognito Window seems to make changes like hiding a paragraph to Logged in users reflect directly without need for clearing cookies.
The editors argue that this detail was more user friendly in 9.5.7, but it works OK when the editors know what they need to do to see the changes.