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Some – not all – shipping methods needs to have 0% VAT
Hi guys! I have a shop with 3 languages. In two of those languages, I want some – not all – of the shipping methods to have 0% VAT. Any ideas on how to solve this? -- All the best, Jesper ...
Jesper Holm Damgaard
14/05/2020 10:45:54
Last post: 27/05/2020 12:31:52
Can't edit user address in the frontend
Hi, I'm rendering the user address in the address loop and displaying it on the frontend. However, when I try to edit it, I get an error. This doesn't happen with any of the other addresses, only with the user address. See the video below: https://ww ...
Mafalda Correa
20/05/2020 22:00:34
Last post: 22/05/2020 11:50:58
Problem with saving website settings
Hey I have a small problem with saving website settings that I can't quite figure out. The problem only happen in my local solution. DW version 9.7.4 ...
Mark Preisler
20/05/2020 11:13:55
Last post: 20/05/2020 12:07:25
PostDanmark ServicePoint account
Hi, I have a couple of questions regarding the shipping provider 'PostDanmark ServicePoint'. Does it require a special type of account to use this shipping provider? We have accounts for Pacsoft and PostNord API. Will it work with Rapido. I'm aware t ...
Roald Haahr Jensen
18/05/2020 09:28:58
Last post: 18/05/2020 11:03:02
An item with the same key has already been added at ProductService.GetByAutoIDs
On version 9.6.7 we periodic get this error on a productlist. System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource) at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionar ...
Thomas Larsen
30/09/2019 14:34:27
Last post: 15/05/2020 13:16:58
Custom TAB in Rapido website->productpage
Is it possible in Rapido to make/build a Custom TAB in website->productpage after "Detail fields layout" and "Category fields layout"? So for example i would like to have a new TAB like below in BOLD <div class="grid__col-12 product__info produ ...
David Löfqvist
24/03/2020 10:26:44
Last post: 14/05/2020 16:00:45
conditions on notification email
Hi I'm trying to get DW to send a order notification email only when a certain conditions are met in the order eg. when the order amount = 0 or when a specific product have been ordered or a custom field have been filled How can I do that? Is this po ...
Thomas Jensen
12/05/2020 12:34:51
Last post: 12/05/2020 13:29:30
Error in item fields when listing subpages
See the video When I turn off one of the fields/columns to be shown in the list when listing subpages, the data makes no sense. The field/Column "Dagfesting" is a datefield, but after i deselect one of the fields ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
13/11/2019 08:16:36
Last post: 12/05/2020 13:04:04
Redirect content and product pages
Hi, Our customer has been trying to add redirects for there website, redirecting content pages and/or product pages in Settings -> Web and HTTP -> Redirects. The redirects work when DW cant match any product or contentpages. But when DW matches ...
Maik Van Sark
08/05/2020 14:26:26
Last post: 11/05/2020 10:07:03
Can't get path with Item type field type Folder
Hi, I created a Folder field in my Item Type because I needed to retrieve the path to a certain folder. However, I can't seem to get the path from the item type. Pageview.AreaSettings.GetItem("Custom").GetItem("CustomSettings").GetString("PathToSampl ...
Mafalda Correa
07/05/2020 11:35:31
Last post: 07/05/2020 13:05:11
Redirect 4000 links to a new domain
Hi, We need to redirect about 4000 urls from an old domain to a new one. We got a file with the matches between the old and the new domain, and we have to activate it the day the new domain is launched. In the documentation, we found that we could do ...
Tomas Gomez
04/05/2020 14:30:42
Last post: 07/05/2020 10:34:30
Access Row Properties in Column Paragraph in VisualEditor
Hi guys, I am wondering if there is any way to access the properties of the Row ItemType from the Column Paragraph template. Specifically, I want to know the number of columns of a row and decide to resize the image accordingly. Right now, all images ...
Adrian Ursu
06/05/2020 13:31:31
No replies yet
Deleting site leaves a lot of stale data
Hi, We deleted websites/data that we did not need on a brand new Rapido installation. A few days/weeks later we were debugging a few things and noticed A LOT of stale data. For example: ItemType_WebsiteSettingsTabs Contained all of the deleted websit ...
Nuno Aguiar
05/05/2020 11:46:15
No replies yet
Sitemap.xml and Robots.txt not working
Hello, I cannot get the Sitemap.xml and Robots.txt to work. Regarding the sitemap. I have the SEOSitemap.xslt in Admin/Public (have also tried copying it to the System folder). I have a 404 handler set up as per: ...
Søren Ravn Lund
01/05/2020 10:10:11
Last post: 04/05/2020 11:16:40
Error using SQL user rather than trusted connection
Hi guys, I am trying to convert our applications to use SQL users rather than integrated users for our databases. When I update a test site, I get an error that the ConnectionString property has not been initialized. Here are my settings: https://www ...
Terri Donahue
29/04/2020 18:52:59
Last post: 30/04/2020 20:16:58
When sending emails from email marketing, the images are not opened in Outlook
Hello, I have a question regarding the email marketing section. We are trying to send a newsletter that contains some images and text but if the recepient is using outlook they need to manually download the images or fiddle with the outlook settings  ...
Marius Tudor
29/04/2020 17:04:58
Last post: 30/04/2020 10:40:51
SMTP errors when using username and password on Dw 9.8.5
Hi Team, We are getting this error on a site upgraded to Dw 9.8.5. This worked prior to that version.This is the error in the EmailHander log [4/23/2020 2:03:35 PM]: Error: System.Exception: No valid SMTP host found. Please specify a valid SMTP host  ...
Terri Donahue
23/04/2020 21:31:35
Last post: 24/04/2020 17:21:36
Forms for editors - bug with redirect?
Hi, We think we've stumbled upon a Forms for Editor bug in 9.7.3 (and also tested in 9.8.2). When we are redirecting the user to a page upon form submision, we have no Debugging Info. And I wonder if all metho ...
Nuno Aguiar
06/04/2020 11:39:49
Last post: 24/04/2020 11:14:09
'Show only if' in Item Types not working
Hi, I was trying to show a certain group of an Item Type only if a certain option was selected, but when I select that option, the group doesn't show. See the video below: ...
Mafalda Correa
15/04/2020 14:48:50
Last post: 23/04/2020 09:22:54
Item field of type dropdown list to select item type form entire solution
When creating a item field of type of eg dropdown, and wanting to use itemtype to populate the options for the dropdown field,it is - as far as I can see - only possible to select items from one wesite. In my case, i want to be able to select an item ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
21/04/2020 19:55:38
Last post: 22/04/2020 04:41:19