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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Security issue: Every user can see my order details

Security issue: Every user can see my order details

Jose Caudevilla



In my website i send a complete order mail when users complete an order.

This mail contains a button link to the resume order page.

The link format is like this:


If other person gets this link he can see my order and user info.


How can i configure my cart app to dont allow to see my order info to external users?


Kind regards,



Morten Bengtson Dynamicweb Employee
Morten Bengtson

Hi Jose,

Are you concerned that someone else is reading your emails or that someone might guess the order secret?

Anyway. You can't disable that feature on the shopping cart.

Here are some options...

A) You can change the email template to not include that link.
If the customers have a user account then you can replace the link with a link to a page with customer center app where orders can be displayed after logging in.

B) You can change the template used on the order confirmation page to not include any sensitive/personal information.

Let us know if you have any suggestions for improving the security.

Best regards,


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