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Email Marketing - The email failed to be sent correctly
Hi, Consider this A customer is asking "What was wrong? How can I tell which email that was"? So my question to you is, how can we make this more obvious? I can't find anything under Monitoring I can see the L ...
Nuno Aguiar
03/09/2020 17:32:24
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Password recovery being sent to deactivated account
Hi, I ran into this issue while testing Password Recovery: I went on to find out that what was happening was that I had two accounts with the same email set up in the backend. And while the email repeti ...
Mafalda Correa
11/10/2019 11:31:17
Last post: 03/09/2020 13:29:08
Wrong canonical values
Hi guys, I have a 9.7.5 solution where I have canonicals being rendered wrong. I have samples from the acceptance version, but it also happens in production and development. This messes up the SEO :( I can't find anything on the forum on this subject ...
Peter Leleulya
02/09/2020 13:37:15
Last post: 02/09/2020 16:31:01
What is the best way of passing a pageitem field value to a paragraph item field value?
When creating a paragraph item on a page, I want to inherit or pass a value from the pageitem that the paragraph is created on. Question 1 - What is the best way? Is there a way to inherit a valure, or somehow passing it to the paragraph when it is c ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
30/08/2020 13:19:36
Last post: 01/09/2020 11:45:09
Add VisualEditor to existing solutions
Hi guys, Is there any good cheat sheet for adding VisualEditor to an existing solution? Steps, resources needed, dependencies? I understand the ItemType part, I am just concerned about the dependencies in terms of Javascript and CSS for handling the  ...
Adrian Ursu
29/08/2020 12:36:47
Last post: 31/08/2020 09:27:34
How many items can a Dynamicweb Solution run?
Hi Am building a website that is going to run with a large number items. Probably 25.000 to begin with, but it will increase with time. Altough 25.000 is a large number, it´s not huge - and i would Expect Dynamicsweb to be able to handle it. But I am ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
26/08/2020 13:28:24
Last post: 27/08/2020 11:20:17
Back in stock, multiple stock locations
Greetings, We have a solution that has multiple stock loctions and websites. We would like to setup back in stock notification for each website and that each notification only looks at one specific stock location. Is this possible? best regards, Anto ...
Anton Marinó Stefánsson
24/08/2020 16:02:27
Last post: 24/08/2020 16:22:25
Saving website - An item with the same key has already been added.
Hi I get this error when clicking "Save and close" after editing a website in the Websites app. What can be the problem? Exception of type 'System.Web.HttpUnhandledException' was thrown. System.Web.HttpUnhandledException (0x80004005): Exception of ty ...
Lars Larsen
21/08/2020 11:57:05
Last post: 21/08/2020 12:11:22
Groups in sitemap
Hi, We want to display certain PIM groups in the sitemap, but some of them appear in the sitemap while some others don't. All of them have the "Show in sitemap" checked. We have compared the configurations of the displayed against the not displayed g ...
Tomas Gomez
18/08/2020 14:24:59
Last post: 19/08/2020 12:19:16
GetImage renders background
Hi, Looks like the GetImage renders a background regardless of the fillcanvas parameter. White background: ...
Aki Ruuskanen
18/08/2020 09:34:59
Last post: 18/08/2020 10:16:18
Deploying Visual Content Editor
Dear Dynamicweb, We have tried to use the deployment tool to deploy a site using the Visual Content Editor, but it does not seem to deploy data from the table: "GridRow". Is it supposed to be working? Best regards, Anders ...
Anders Ebdrup
19/05/2020 10:28:54
Last post: 14/08/2020 14:00:36
GroupNavigationProvider navigation provider
Hi, We are experiencing 1s delay on the GroupNavigationProvider which we cannot understand why. 12:09:36 PM.367 ItemViewModel.CreateInstance Start (MobileNavigation, 77) 2 ms 174 ms 12:09:36 PM.367 ItemViewModel.CreateInstance End 0 ms 174 ms 12:09:3 ...
Mario Santos
10/08/2020 18:12:37
Last post: 13/08/2020 10:45:56
Dashboard Feed source and formatting
Hi, This page intrduces the new dashboard, which is a great improvement for the clients. But we need some info for the feed widget. Which formats are su ...
Jens Jakob Kristensen
05/09/2017 11:47:02
Last post: 13/08/2020 08:20:54
LatestVisitsWidget null check
Hi, A customer reported that the Latest Visits widget wasn't working - After some troubleshoot we realized that the GetItems method doesn't perform a null check for pages that have been deleted - https://www.scre ...
Mario Santos
27/07/2020 19:58:56
Last post: 12/08/2020 09:18:35
Search replace giving error
Hi, I tried to use the "Search and Replace" feature in Settings > Database. It gave me the error seen in the screenshot. I could not find any documentation about the feature. What is the limitations of it? What tables can it be userd with? Regards ...
Aki Ruuskanen
10/06/2020 08:02:20
Last post: 11/08/2020 14:43:22
Visual Editor error - ContentBuilder.js cross origin
Hi When I log in to the admin with and go to the es language layer ( the visual editor stops working with this in the console. Uncaught DOMException: Blocked a frame with origin "" ...
Kim Søjborg Pedersen
11/08/2020 10:25:37
Last post: 11/08/2020 13:01:09
Issue with Copy master changes to language versions if values are the same
Hi DW. I have a website with multiple languages versions (Websites). I have checked that "Copy master changes to language versions if values are the same. (Pages) and Paragraphs" in the Settings -> Control Panel -> Language Management. I want t ...
Daniel Hollmann
04/08/2020 13:18:57
Last post: 10/08/2020 11:10:22
Edit item types in Administrator panel
Hello, I have a custom item type. I use this item type to store information about the shipping cost of the ecommerce groups (the shipping cost depends of the product grup and zip code). I load the data inside this item type using a data integration,  ...
Jose Caudevilla
07/08/2020 13:13:10
Last post: 07/08/2020 14:38:12
Is there a way to see scheduled paragraphs in the frontend?
Hi, I've been working with the Active From properties on Pages and Paragraphs. I noticed that if a page is not active, I get a 404 when I'm not logged in to the backoffice, but I can actually see the page when I am logged in to the backoffice. That's ...
Mafalda Correa
05/08/2020 13:56:11
Last post: 05/08/2020 15:48:32
EmailHandler log
I have checked the Do Not use SMTP pickup directory in the SMTP settings of our site. I am still getting this in the log: [7/28/2020 9:41:25 AM]: Send using Pickup Directory Service failed. Trying SMTP protocol. [7/28/2020 9:41:27 AM]: Mail sent succ ...
Terri Donahue
28/07/2020 15:45:52
Last post: 05/08/2020 15:43:33