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How to translate the UserManagement:User.NewPassword.Input.Error
Hi guys, I've got a change password module. You know ... enter your old password, enter new password, repeat new password. In the extranet module you can translate a number of input errors. Now my Dutch change password module responds like this: The  ...
Peter Leleulya
02/11/2020 12:06:42
Last post: 16/11/2020 11:07:06
Are Widgets like "Latest visits" supported with new Statistics?
Hello, Do the widgets on the Marketing dashboard work with new statistics or do the old statistics need to be enabled to make this work? Thanks, Brian Zawistowski ...
Brian Zawistowski
13/11/2020 23:00:10
Last post: 16/11/2020 08:30:17
URL settings for multiple websites
Hi guys, I have this situation: DW 9.9.2 Multi language website: RO, EN RO is master website, EN is language layer For EN I have set a prefix to be used in URL: en I have set the URL on the Product page to display: Current website shop, current websi ...
Adrian Ursu
14/11/2020 15:38:09
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Expired Password
It doesn't appear that Rapido 3.4 (running DW 9.9.3) has a good standard solution for handling resetting expired passwords. I set expiration in extranet security area and then set the login's ACCESSUSERPASSWORDDATE to a past date. When attempting to  ...
Ryan Meade
12/11/2020 15:52:56
Last post: 13/11/2020 15:21:52
Forms for Editors submit data transfer to the Users entity?
We have a Form for Editors form capturing contact us email addresses and consents with 1181 submits. I would like to be able to transfer this data from the Forms for Editors entity to the Users entity. This would give access to the Marketing and the  ...
Kevin O'Driscoll
11/11/2020 14:56:25
Last post: 12/11/2020 11:36:17
Pidlink - how can i remove it in DW8?
Hi How can i remove PIDLINK in a DW8 solution? I can´t find it in management center - togh this indicates that it should be there? /Ha ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
09/11/2020 09:11:53
Last post: 09/11/2020 12:57:39
Blank pages shown when logged in user has no permission
Hi, I have a few pages that are available to some users but not others. When the user logs in I can choose to redirect them to a page that they have access to. But there are 2 issues that I have with this. 1. When a user logs in with external authent ...
Jon Thorne
26/10/2020 04:34:39
Last post: 06/11/2020 03:52:00
Partner reporting on Dynamicweb cloud
Hello, With the new announcement of the Dynamicweb Cloud (, I see some impressive functionality for monitoring that appears to give a dashboard that shows all of a partner's accounts on a  ...
Scott Forsyth
05/11/2020 04:48:08
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Cookie Manager - 3rd party service or implement it "by hand"
Hi hopefully it´s ok that I post this question here. If not, I apollegize in advance 🙏 Here goes: Here in the Faroe Islands, a GDPR like legislation is coming in January 2021. In this regard, we are focusing mutch more on Cookie Management. How have ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
21/09/2020 14:33:28
Last post: 04/11/2020 08:39:10
Change template of email or grab content from app
Not sure if this is a question that should have been in the Rapido section or in DW 9. I've setup a form (newsletter, not in the footer) where I want to change the email template that is sent out. I have found the template folder, and know that i can ...
Siv Hansen
30/10/2020 13:53:24
Last post: 02/11/2020 08:50:47
How to remove IP ban
I've managed to lock myself out of DW - both admin and front-end, an IP ban due to too many submissions of a form (tryingn to change the template etc). I deleted the records in the GeneralLog table where my IP was listed (there were two), cleared my  ...
Siv Hansen
30/10/2020 23:08:11
Last post: 02/11/2020 08:03:04
Azure AD SSO - backend login error
Hi, I have successfully setup my Azure AD on DW 9.9.0 and it works fine for frontend (although the user does not follow the permissons for authenticated user). But on the backend I just get this error: External login error: Login failed Is there any  ...
Jon Thorne
15/09/2020 10:07:14
Last post: 02/11/2020 05:32:08
PDF generation and external authentication
Do the standard PDF generation support's content based on external authenticated user? BR Thomas ...
Thomas Larsen
29/10/2020 11:30:51
Last post: 29/10/2020 14:05:17
Vertical navigation menu
Hi, Is there any setting to display the navigation menu in a vertical mode? There is one setting to display the facets vertical or horizontal but not for the navigation menu. The result should be similar as the mobile navigation (see image) with the  ...
Tomas Gomez
26/10/2020 15:16:50
Last post: 27/10/2020 10:54:54
IronPdf settings
Hi guys I have some trouble with IronPdf sometimes scaling my content, is it possible to get access to the FitToPaperWidth setting? All the best, Jesper ...
Jesper Holm Damgaard
12/10/2020 08:09:41
Last post: 26/10/2020 12:29:26
Login template doesn't show form
Hi When we choose a Login template from the page properties, we expect it to show on the menu but it is not showing anything. We haven't done any changes to the template so we are trying to figure out what else needs to be set up for this to work. Fr ...
Fabio Monte
20/10/2020 17:20:45
Last post: 21/10/2020 17:37:46
Switching Text Editor Loses Editable Content
Good morning, We just noticed that if there is content in the CKEditor 4 Text Editor Box, and you switch the default setting to Tiny MCE, the content remains on the front-end but becomes hidden in the new Text Editor box. The current solution is to c ...
Kevin Byrd
16/10/2020 14:09:47
Last post: 20/10/2020 19:36:51
How to set frontend permissions on ecom groups
Hi, I need to set some permissions on ecom groups on a project running 9.8.8, but cannot get it to work using permissions. The desired outcome is that a number of ecom groups are only visible to certain user groups. Please review my attempt to solve  ...
Roald Haahr
13/10/2020 13:09:35
Last post: 19/10/2020 05:27:56
Set the primary group of multiple products
Hi, For each product published in an Ecom group, is it needed to set its primary group in order to display it in the sitemap? If so, is it possible to set the primary group of multiple products at once? For instance, all the products of a certain Eco ...
Tomas Gomez
06/10/2020 11:39:36
Last post: 16/10/2020 13:41:13
Upload with "." in filename strips it away
Hi, We run DW 9.9.2 in a solution and the file upload strips additional "." characters from filename. Is that by design? Can it be configured to not to that? Regads /Aki ...
Aki Ruuskanen
13/10/2020 10:20:02
Last post: 13/10/2020 16:14:39