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Forum » CMS - Standard features
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Making Dynamicweb set no cookies at all
Hi We have a costumer that wants to avoid setting any cookies, and simultanously avoiding prompting the visitor for cookie conscent. I see this is possible on various platforms, but I can not achieve this on Dynamicweb. As a minimum, it sets two cook ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
13/04/2021 12:04:23
Last post: 13/04/2021 15:28:50
Problems with language layers
Hi! I am setting up a language layer for a website but am having trouble with the front-end displaying of the language layer. The language layer is set up and looks good but I can't seem to access it in the frontend According to the website settings, ...
Ólafur Einar Þorbergsson
06/04/2021 18:47:20
Last post: 12/04/2021 07:25:42
Delete account
Hi Guys, I have a request from one of our clients to add the ability for a user to delete its own account permanently. It seems to be some legal related request. How do I do that from the User account? The solution in question is 9.2.14 Thanks, Adria ...
Adrian Ursu
18/07/2017 08:47:32
Last post: 09/04/2021 13:00:13
Summary fields with IndexBuilderExtender fields
Hi, I ran into a situation with a customer: He was creating a summary field using fields that come from an index builder extender The result wascoming up emtpy We got to the conclusion that the IndexBuilderExtender only runs after all summary fields  ...
Nuno Aguiar
06/04/2021 14:03:25
Last post: 06/04/2021 15:51:05
Disabeling old statistics
Hi I would like to disable the old statistics on a solution. In the manual I read this: "Statistics is the old implementation – it collects and stores data in StatV2 tables. While it has been deprecated for a while, certain features in Dynamicweb sti ...
Lars Larsen
06/04/2021 15:09:19
Last post: 06/04/2021 15:34:05
Did you mean stopped working
Hi, After upgrading to 9.10.4 the "Did you mean" feature for Product Catalog and Query Publisher stopped working. Has anoyone experienced that? I confirmed TemplateTags does not render anything I've confirmed some of the setup as well (attached). I'v ...
Nuno Aguiar
24/03/2021 14:54:04
Last post: 24/03/2021 20:48:07
Problems identifying Desktop on Mac with Chrome
Hi guys, We have noticed a situation where a user opening the website on a Mac with Chrome would see paragraphs targeting both Desktop and Mobile. They don't have this problem on the same machine if using Safari. The solution is running 9.9.8. Anybod ...
Adrian Ursu
23/03/2021 13:31:03
Last post: 23/03/2021 17:34:05
Adding custom font to ckEditor does not reflect its style
Hi We added a new custom font to the ckEditor font dropdown but it's not reflecting its style, like for example, Comis Sans MS does. Here's a screencast: with the fonts.css with the fontface and the changes made ...
Fabio Monte
05/03/2021 20:21:54
Last post: 22/03/2021 13:23:00
Autodelete form data
Hi is there a way to automatically delete Form data as sort of standard? Eg. by creating some scheduled task that daily deletes data that is older than one week? And could this be done without making the solution a custom solution, by calling a cshtm ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
26/01/2021 14:49:14
Last post: 19/03/2021 15:47:08
Rich text editor reset to default
Hi, I got a question from a client I wanted to float your way, when working in the rich text editor: Is there a way to quickly reset the content to default settings (style, heading, font, size etc) without selecting all the content and manually selec ...
Arnór Halldórsson
18/03/2021 12:58:33
Last post: 18/03/2021 13:53:01
Some times GetTranslation doesn't return the translate value (anymore)
Hi guys, In almost every project we have a helper class which we use to retrieve a translation from the translation.xml when we are in code in stead of a template. This has never given us any problems until the beginning of februari for just 1 projec ...
Peter Leleulya
17/03/2021 13:29:50
Last post: 17/03/2021 15:26:07
External authentication sometimes stops working
Hi, I'm using OKTA for external authentication and sometimes it stops working. Basically, you log into the external provider and it comes back to the Dynamicweb login page again without actually logging in. When I log in using a Dynamicweb user, that ...
Scott Forsyth
15/01/2021 00:33:28
Last post: 16/03/2021 14:02:33
Displaying Variants in Favorite lists is delayed
Hi guys, We have 2 solutions that have been implemented using Rapido and DW 9.9.5. In one of them we are listing only master products, the other one lists Products with Variants. For the one displaying only master products, when you add a product to  ...
Adrian Ursu
22/02/2021 13:26:29
Last post: 16/03/2021 11:16:13
Forms for editors - page shift
Does anybody know how to implement page shift in a forms for editors template by standard? I have a very long form, and I would like to split it up in pages using page shift. There is a button "Page shift" in the setup of a form mentioned on https:// ...
Charlotte Mogensen
15/03/2021 15:33:46
Last post: 16/03/2021 11:08:18
stopwords in repository indexes
Hi Is it somehow possible to tell Dynamicweb repository indexes to use a specific stopwords.txt file? ...
Kevin Steffer
05/08/2015 13:29:44
Last post: 16/03/2021 10:14:09
Deployment tool - Layout issues make it hard to see what’s different when comparing Forms for Editors
Hi there, Here are some bugs I ran into when using the Forms for Editors data item type in the deployment tool: 1. The Left/Right/Identical columns seems to have shifted with the name, making it hard to see what is associated with what: The Test Imar ...
Imar Spaanjaars
04/01/2021 21:42:43
Last post: 15/03/2021 20:54:31
Use GeolocationService.Lookup in solution?
Hi there, I can see that GeolocationService.Lookup is public and performs an IP lookup against one of your services. I have a few questions about that: 1. Is it OK to use this method to detect a customer's IP address? 2. Is the remote database with I ...
Imar Spaanjaars
01/03/2021 15:51:20
Last post: 15/03/2021 20:49:12
Split Test version for robots
Hi, Quick question. Is it safe to assume that when we setup Split Tests (aka A/B testing), robots will always be served the 'A' version? Best Regards, Nuno Aguiar ...
Nuno Aguiar
12/03/2021 13:13:06
Last post: 12/03/2021 13:17:27
Where can I download a default Templates folder, with all its child folders and files etc?
Have not had the need to do this earlier, but where can i download this? Can´t find it under downloads /Hans ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
12/03/2021 13:00:03
Last post: 12/03/2021 13:17:27
Roadmap Translations
Hi, A question for the DW guys. I am just wondering if there are any kind of development/improvment planned for the Translation-functionality. Like in the editing of values, searching, import/export. I am asking because we have some talks with a cust ...
Aki Ruuskanen
10/03/2021 09:20:46
Last post: 10/03/2021 13:26:08