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Edit Datalist in backend
Hi, In the module Apps > Data Lists you can view the contents of the data lists but, as far as I know, it is not enabled to change the values. Is there any place to edit a datalist in the backend? Regards, Tomas ...
Tomas Gomez
06/07/2021 13:48:32
Last post: 12/07/2021 15:24:45
Lead Data is missing due to same ip address are come to Lead Report
Dear All, I'm having a problem regards to Lead Report. Hopefully, someone can help me with this. I would like to check the visited customer's information, like Device Model, Public IP address, etc. But the problem is that all the visited cust ...
Nang Shwe Yea Oo
08/07/2021 11:44:47
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Sign up for the newsletter
Hi, I have an issue with the form to sign up for the newsletter. The sign up page with the Extranet App works nicely fornon-registered users. However, when an already registered user press the "Subscribe" button, nothing happens. The user is not redi ...
Tomas Gomez
17/06/2021 12:58:18
Last post: 05/07/2021 14:25:10
Telerik.Web.UI.DialogHandler does not exist
Hi: This night our server monitor gets the following error message: 2021-07-02 02:54:40.537: The file '/Admin/Telerik.Web.UI.DialogHandler.aspx' does not exist. System.Web.HttpException (0x80004005): The file '/Admin/Telerik.Web.UI.Dialog ...
Jose Caudevilla
02/07/2021 08:54:51
Last post: 02/07/2021 10:06:46
Cache Services - create custom ones with "clear" button
Hi, We were wondering if there is a way for us to subscribe our custom cache keys (i.e. from our Live Integration customizations) to the new cache screen, so we could clear specific services that are custom developed. Is that possible, and if so, can ...
Nuno Aguiar
11/09/2020 17:31:33
Last post: 01/07/2021 09:04:17
Prevent News app from including js-file
Hi, I noticed that the News app insert a reference to /Files/Templates/NewsV2/newsfunctions.js before the closing </head> tag. Is there any way to prevent this? It can just be an empty file, but it's still a reference to a js-file. This is  ...
Martin Christensen
30/06/2021 10:19:37
Last post: 30/06/2021 13:56:14
How to keep the user logged in across multiple websites (Use domain for cookie?)
Hi, Is it possible to keep the user logged in across multiple websites? We have looked into the "Use domain for cookie" cookie manager settings - but it does not working in this case. How do we solve this using standard features? ...
Allan Iversen
11/06/2021 11:14:02
Last post: 30/06/2021 13:29:06
Datalist Preview error
When I create a new Datalist and try to use the Preview function before saving the data list, an error is thrown: The attached screencast shows how to reproduce this issue. The customer's site version is 9.10.7. but I also tested on 9.10.9 and got th ...
Brian Zawistowski
25/05/2021 23:42:55
Last post: 29/06/2021 15:46:46
Increasing timeout on URL index rebuild
Hi, Does anyone know if we are able to increase the timeout of the DW URL index rebuild? We have a solution with around 19821 urls generated via the ?showurlindex=true parameter and we are experienceing the issue seen in the screenshot. ...
Michal Vedstesen
28/06/2021 10:50:07
Last post: 28/06/2021 11:09:24
Personalization on paragraph not working
Hi guys, I have a 9.8.11 application where our customer wanted to show a paragrapg to members not having their emailpermissions set to true. They created a smart search "No email permission" for these users: Group Is FullMember Email permission Is Fa ...
Peter Leleulya
25/06/2021 13:04:04
Last post: 25/06/2021 14:17:32
GetPageIdByNavigationTag and permissions
Hi guys, This is a generic question related to permissions. When a page is not allowed for the current user, will GetPageIdByNavigationTag still return the PageID? Thank you, Adrian ...
Adrian Ursu
24/06/2021 15:11:54
Last post: 24/06/2021 17:11:41
Distinguish Index on IndexBuilderExtender
Hi, We have an old site that we're slowly refactoring. We reached the Repository that has some logic that no longer applies. We're using the product schema extender and have far too many query expressions and wacky grouping and logic, that make refac ...
Nuno Aguiar
11/02/2021 11:50:02
Last post: 23/06/2021 12:36:37
Bug list not updated?
It looks like the bug list isn't updated anymore. The last version on is 9.10.6. Imar ...
Imar Spaanjaars
18/05/2021 14:57:32
Last post: 22/06/2021 10:42:39
On a page template - is it possible to get the type of item for the first paragraph (use only item types ) ?
Hi Is it possible to get the type of the first of itemparagraph in a pagetemplate? (we use only itembased paragraphs) If so, how can it be done /Hans ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
15/06/2021 15:20:26
Last post: 21/06/2021 10:33:41
set password email using "Send user details" in admin
Hi I'm trying to do that same as in post sending a mail with a link to reset password, but not from marketing from "Send user details" under a user Using the "Sen ...
Thomas Jensen
16/06/2021 12:57:45
Last post: 18/06/2021 12:31:27
Smartsearch and users
Hi, I've recently upgraded a solution to DW 9.9.8. In previous version there was a Country field on users, but this has vanished in the new version. Instead the customer wants to use the Billing/Shipping country, but this is not available when creati ...
Kurt Moskjær Andersen
18/06/2021 11:03:58
Last post: 18/06/2021 11:19:04
Funny norwegian translation for "Select"
Hi guys, I was talking with a client in Norway and we found that the norwegian translation for the word "Select" in the Admin is: Rullegardin (dropdown) We had a nice laugh, changed it to "Velg", but I thought I ought to let you know so you could udp ...
Arnór Halldórsson
14/06/2021 17:04:08
Last post: 15/06/2021 12:17:40
CKEditor Advanced Content Filter not working
Hi, I've been trying to tweak around with CKEditor to do some different things like stripping down font-family from when the user copy pastes into the editor. According to their documentation, the Advanced Content filter in automatic mode should stri ...
Mafalda Correa
09/06/2021 11:42:52
Last post: 09/06/2021 12:27:15
Did you mean odd suggestions
Hi, We have a customer that's used to having multiple terms searched. Introducing the "Did you mean" suggestions feature, it recommends some unexpected results and we're wondering if there's anything that can be done to improve it, whether that's fro ...
Nuno Aguiar
25/05/2021 18:43:21
Last post: 08/06/2021 17:06:41
Delete ItemType instances - that are not attached to a Page or Paragraph - from database
Hi On one of our solutions, it appears that there are ItemType instances that are not attached to any page or paragraph. So just the ItemType appears in the database, but no relation to any page/paragraph. These ItemTypes have only ever been availabl ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
07/06/2021 09:08:09
Last post: 07/06/2021 10:22:03