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Forum » CMS - Standard features
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Training and Events - 404 page
Hi, I stumbled upon this issue in your Training and Events page - Notice the screencast The "Sign up" on "Key features for your B2B eCommerce site" goes to a 404 page You can see the URL is  ...
Nuno Aguiar
20/12/2021 11:04:01
Last post: 28/12/2021 10:51:02
dwapi for Items
Hi, Are there any plans to have web api for Items? I know we can get for Pages and Paragraphs, but I am trying to answer a customer about Items in general and generically. Best Regards, Nuno Aguiar ...
Nuno Aguiar
21/12/2021 15:15:23
Last post: 21/12/2021 16:38:16
DW 9.10.16: Activation URL from scheduled task responds with 404
Hi, As the name of this post suggest, I am experiencing that the activation URLs produced by scheduled tasks responds with a 404. I recently upgraded from 9.10.12 to 9.10.16 and I recall the links working as expected in 9.10.12, but I'm not compl ...
Roald Haahr
10/12/2021 14:20:21
Last post: 21/12/2021 15:31:57
Redirects module for 302 list
Hi, We have a customer that is looking to replace their current website with a Dynamicweb wesbsite. Ofcourse they would like important indexed url's to be available in the new solution. Can the redirects module ...
Justin Sjouw
20/12/2021 17:10:05
Last post: 20/12/2021 18:39:38
Externet and Azure B2C
Hi. We have some problems using the external authentication – using Azure B2C. We don’t need to use B2C login to get into the backend/admin area, only to be authenticated frontend users. We have followed this guide thoroughly. https://doc ...
Daniel Hollmann
01/12/2021 20:38:06
Last post: 20/12/2021 16:09:01
Azure B2C login log
Hi guys, I have a solution where I am using Azure B2C for authentication. The authentication works pretty well with the exception of the loading time. Every time we access the site, we have set to authenticate the users (it's a fully restricted w ...
Adrian Ursu
15/12/2021 10:39:11
Last post: 15/12/2021 16:25:01
Canonical links
Hey, Are there any way to show canonical links the way Google likes them? Right now, DW is generating a base href and a relative canonical, like this: <base href=""> <link rel="canonical" href="/products/group/product"& ...
Kim Hansen
12/02/2019 08:03:44
Last post: 15/12/2021 16:09:37
Exception when saving item type
Hello, We're getting an issue with saving an item type on a site. Here's the top part of the stack trace as seen in the backend when clicking 'Save' on an item type record. Stack Trace: [NullReferenceException: Object reference not se ...
Scott Forsyth
14/12/2021 04:46:30
Last post: 14/12/2021 05:18:08
Parts list missing on copied product
Hi We can see that on Dynamicweb 9.7.6, you can copy a product with the parts list on it, but in 9.12.3, the parts list on a copied product is empty. We have recreated it on the Dynamicweb demo (9.10.11): http://dynamicwebdemo.dwsales.dynamicweb-cms. ...
Tina Engelsen Pedersen
29/11/2021 13:36:55
Last post: 07/12/2021 14:43:25
export slug article
We want to export all blog articles. We can do it through Data Integration, but we need the slug and we dont know how to do it.... How can we export the slug (url) for each post? So far we have tried like this: ...
Cristina Santos
03/12/2021 10:45:57
Last post: 03/12/2021 13:23:58
Live prices in newsletter
Hello, Case: Say I have three prices - Normal price: 300 (in DW) - Dealer price: 200 (in DW) - Custom price: 100 (not in DW, live from Dynamics NAV) In the newsletter I want to display the "custom price" for some specific users. I know the  ...
Alexander Tømmerholen
01/12/2021 14:13:17
Last post: 02/12/2021 20:34:44
Link to products page with filter in different languages
Hi There, Our customer wants to have 4 links on their homepage that will link to the product page with a predefined filter. I cannot get this to work for multiple languages. If I define the link /products?Productline=%5BMasterline%5D I get a 404 beca ...
Justin Sjouw
02/12/2021 11:33:29
Last post: 02/12/2021 11:46:43
page properties - list subpages - how can we effectively configure the lists for all editors without having their login credentials?
Hi we often use the list subpages under page settings, eg. when we implement newsitems using pagebased items. When we do this, we want to configure which fields the editors sees in the interface, and how they are order. This is userbased, so in order ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
01/12/2021 16:49:16
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increase cache 7 days
Pagespeed insights is complaining about caching (Serve static assets with an efficient cache policy). All the elemts Admin/Public/GetImage.ashx?Width=640&Height=5... shows a 7 days cache. I would like to change the 7 days to 30 days or even more. ...
Cristina Santos
30/11/2021 11:24:37
Last post: 30/11/2021 11:56:11
Where to find bouncers
Hi, Where can I find the bouncers and bouncerate in de e-mailmarketing module? Thanks, Willem ...
Willem Ruiter
02/11/2021 10:09:43
Last post: 26/11/2021 14:30:10
Azure B2C login issues
Hi guys, I have a solution that is supposed to be using the Azure AD B2C external authentication. I have configured 2 environments: Dev and Production using Dynamicweb 9.10.12. I have configured both the same way, only with different sets of credenti ...
Adrian Ursu
09/11/2021 13:18:12
Last post: 26/11/2021 10:19:19
User creation from frontend with custom usertemplate
Hi I have been looking for some tag to set. Its possible to create custom templates backend insted of the standard userprofile, this is selectable and works from backend. But can't seem to find anywhere to set that when users create a profile fro ...
Peter Klünder
26/11/2021 08:22:59
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usermanagement and custom fields on group and users
Hi Been looking at customfields on groups and users, but cant seem to find the solution. GROUP = Custom field 1, 2 and 3 is a dropdown with the some value selected ie. house, window and plant. USER = added to that group have the same customfields pre ...
Peter Klünder
24/11/2021 13:16:25
Last post: 25/11/2021 10:08:16
How does the AUTOMATIC setting for Forms for editors template work?
Hi guys, I've been notified by a customer that they see fields in their forms that "don't exist" ... I've been investgating and found that in many cases they use the "Automatic" option for their template. https://doc.d ...
Peter Leleulya
23/11/2021 11:03:50
Last post: 23/11/2021 15:11:36
Hi, One question. When browsing for the URL, the result is; It doesn't happen always, only from time to time. Dores anybody know th ...
Tomas Gomez
22/11/2021 10:41:27
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