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[Marketing] Lead data missing from April
Hi all, I have a confusion about the Lead report. As I have no customization on Lead, only standard function using and DW Version: 9:12. But the lead data is missing start from 30 May 2021, and cannot see the new Lead there. And there are over 300 us ...
Nay Chi Phyo
27/05/2021 10:03:25
Last post: 04/06/2021 11:59:22
Will a large number of assortment result in any issues?
If, say, we have approximately 4000 customers on a webshop and it is necessary to create an assortment for each customer, will that result in any issues or is DW able to deal with that amount of assortments? Kind regards, Roald ...
Roald Haahr
31/05/2021 12:51:36
Last post: 01/06/2021 12:56:24
Response time of Stats2.aspx
Hi, When viewing a page on a browser, the Stats2.aspx task has a response time that hugely exceeds the other tasks. In our case, this response time can be up to 5-10 seconds, see attached image. We cleaned the database with these instructions, but st ...
Tomas Gomez
27/05/2021 10:04:34
Last post: 31/05/2021 12:28:32
Email settings
Hi, I cannot find where to configure the sender of a transactional mail. I attach the image of this mail. The mail is sent when DW cannot found a recipient when sending mails. Where can I configure this recipient? Thanks, Tomas ...
Tomas Gomez
24/05/2021 13:59:36
Last post: 25/05/2021 12:50:52
Hide images from formuploads from anonymous users in frontend
We have a form which includes 3 file upload fields (usually used for images), and whenever someone submits the form, the images gets stored under System -> Formuploads -> "formname": The problem is these can be accessed via the browser, and sin ...
Frederik Rossen
25/05/2021 11:22:40
Last post: 25/05/2021 11:35:19
External login provider and impersonation issue
When using an external login provider and after that impersonates another user the following cookie is added Name: DW_ExtranetSessionCookie Value: DWExternalLoginProviderId=1&AL=&DWExtranetImpersonateUserID=xwqtolpvMW8= If the user don’t stop ...
Thomas Larsen
24/03/2021 10:12:34
Last post: 25/05/2021 10:11:53
SQL Injection - ignore characters
Hi guys, I have a project based on DW 9.9.8 where I have an issue with security bans. It seems that searching for something like this "It's my life" would trigger a ban on the IP. This happens for both the back-end and the front-end. It is clear to m ...
Adrian Ursu
21/05/2021 16:58:00
Last post: 25/05/2021 09:04:44
Download folder in File Manager
Hi, I believe the download folder feature is not working. I tried in 9.9 and 9.10 to download a folder (just contained some js files - all summed up didn't even reach 100kb) and I only get an empty zip file. Best Regards, Nuno Aguiar ...
Nuno Aguiar
21/05/2021 12:00:44
Last post: 24/05/2021 02:40:14
Service Cache error for ExternalTranslationProvider
Hello, After upgrading to 9.10.7 (with a custom Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.dll [1.10.46], but I don't believe that is the problem), I'm getting an exception trying to load the Service Cache admin tool in the backend. It fails right away before being displa ...
Scott Forsyth
25/04/2021 21:56:53
Last post: 21/05/2021 04:21:13
Add widgets to homepage
Hi! How can I add custom widgets to the system which can then be added to the dashboard on the homepage of DW? Thanks in advance! ...
19/05/2021 11:35:21
Last post: 19/05/2021 12:45:12
OKTA in-memory issue
We've run into an issue with the OKTA provider 3 or 4 times now where logging into OKTA causes a redirect back to the same DW login page. Essentially, you end back up on the login page each time. It's solved by recycling the IIS app pool. When it wor ...
Scott Forsyth
18/05/2021 23:56:32
No replies yet
Upload manager uploads never complete
I am working on a version 9.10.4 site and the Upload Manager does not seem to work correctly. If I select multiple files for upload, in this case, multiple copies of the same Powerpoint presentation, the upload stalls until I remove all but one of th ...
Brian Zawistowski
06/04/2021 21:09:10
Last post: 18/05/2021 13:24:18
Issue with Sitemap.xml
Hi, We are experiencing some issues with sitemap.xml and we tracked it down to the Ecom Navigation setting on a page. More and more we have situations where the Product list page is not the page PageId as the Product detail page. Example: Product lis ...
Nuno Aguiar
14/05/2021 19:25:20
Last post: 17/05/2021 12:44:36
Workflow / Draft using the Visual Editor
Hi, I am not able to get Draft mode for Rows and Paragraphs to work with the Visual Editor. Is this still a limitation of the Visual Editor? And if so, is there an estimated version to get it to work? Best Regards, Nuno Aguiar ...
Nuno Aguiar
19/04/2021 12:50:05
Last post: 14/05/2021 12:55:01
Add smart searches
Hi, For a customer of ours we want to add smart searches to their account. However, they do not have the 'Smart Searches' item in the menu bar in the Marketing > E-mail marketing section. How do I add this? Thanks in advance!! ...
Danique Pos
12/05/2021 11:36:51
Last post: 12/05/2021 14:59:51
Error user e-mail and sendgrid
When collecting mailing statistics for a customer of ours I found out our send provider sendgrid has a high number of errors / not delivered emails on a specific email. When checking in DynamicWeb the mail says it is fully sent to all recipients. Whe ...
Danique Pos
07/05/2021 13:05:37
Last post: 12/05/2021 14:51:03
Permissions, access to translations
Hi guys, I have a weird scenario where I have a backend user set as Admin, with full permissions on the content but without permissions to edit Translations. I have no idea what I need to set up to make it able to access Translations. Anybody else ha ...
Adrian Ursu
11/05/2021 13:53:53
Last post: 12/05/2021 05:39:54
Read SQL database directly from Razor templates
Hi in a cshtml pagetemplate, is it possible to output values from a custom SQL database table directly? If so, is it also possible on a Dynamicweb 8 solution and how can it be done? I want to output the tabledata as JSON data /Hans ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
10/05/2021 15:25:54
Last post: 10/05/2021 16:12:42
Hide error information on pages with an error
Hi, We want to avoid frontend users to see the error information whenever they get a page with an error (see attached image). The error info is not useful for them and it produces a negative feeling about the website. This could be achieved in two wa ...
Tomas Gomez
07/05/2021 12:16:37
Last post: 10/05/2021 12:54:00
Copying a new master site with multiple language variants including content
I have the following setup running on DW Version Master site 1 Language variant: 1.a Language variant: 1.b Language variant: 1.c Master site 2 (Does not exist today) Master site 2 will be a site seperate from the original, showing only conte ...
Mikkel Larsen
06/05/2021 14:50:16
Last post: 07/05/2021 08:55:20