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Google bot is blocked by Dynamicweb

Jose Caudevilla



Since last week, we have noticed that access to the google bot is blocked.

From the search console, we see error 403 when submitting the sitemap.xml.

If we delete the file BannedIps.txt, it stops giving error 403 and it is solved.

The solution is hosted on the DynamicWeb servers.


Why is that IP blocked and how to avoid it?





Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

It is caused by the SQL injection tests:

In monitoring under Security/SqlInjection you can see what request blocked the IP.

You can either disable ip banning completely (not recommended) or find out why it was banned - it indicates that you have a link that is not good on your site.

You can also add the querystring parameter that caused the ban to the ignore list.

BR Nicolai

Votes for this answer: 1
Jose Caudevilla

Hi Nicolai,


A lot of thanks.





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