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Documentation for The Grid Engine
Hi I can't fint any documentation on the Grid Engine introduced in Dynamicweb 9.3. I have found some threads here on the forum about issues regarding the Grid Engine but from that I can't make it work on my own DW9.5 installation. Are there no docume ...
Lars Larsen
15/01/2019 08:54:18
Last post: 08/02/2021 16:00:34
Allow copying templates to other sites
Hi there, Is there a reason why I cannot copy a paragraph or row template folder, nor the items in those folders? No copy command at the folder level: No Paragraph templates or Row templates subfolder here to select as the copy target when copying a  ...
Imar Spaanjaars
27/01/2021 00:06:23
Last post: 07/02/2021 22:38:36
"chapters" on a page, with different paragraphs
Hi On a page, we want the editor to be able to create an unpredefined number of "chapters" on a page. In each chapter, it should be possible to create unpredefined number of paragraphs under each chapter. The paragraphs will be in different combinati ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
05/02/2021 15:58:31
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Is there any way of working with viewmodel templates on a Mac, running MacOS
Have asked about this topic earlier, but I am hoping maybe there is some news on this? Is this possible somehow in a Mac Enviroment - utilizing intelisense, without running paralel desktops? /Hans ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
06/09/2018 10:36:56
Last post: 03/02/2021 15:19:53
Weird error rendering users on the map
I got the following error rendering a user on the map: Turns out the user came from the ERP with a country code of EL which seems to be a valid code representing Greece: ...
Imar Spaanjaars
02/02/2021 16:36:42
Last post: 03/02/2021 09:27:36
Marketing understanding links
Hi guys, I have an automated mail in the marketing section which contains an activation link. I have it in test and production-to-be. The link is something like: ...
Peter Leleulya
01/02/2021 13:27:46
Last post: 01/02/2021 14:26:38
Url Page property not working in 9.9.6
Hi, We ran into an issue in 9.9.6, where the Page URL property is not working. Everything was working fine in 9.9.2, but now it's completely disregarding it. Although I don't show it in the screencast, it's as  ...
Nuno Aguiar
26/01/2021 21:27:11
Last post: 29/01/2021 15:24:35
Cannot give Backend User Permission
Hi all, I have a problem with setting up the Backend User groups. I set Permission not to access Ecommerce, PIM, ..that the group. But now there are they still in when I log in with that user under that permission group. Please find the attached imag ...
Nay Chi Phyo
29/01/2021 08:45:28
Last post: 29/01/2021 09:36:06
Redirect links that does not return a 404
We have a customer that wants to redirect a URL to the same URL with an added parameter. Is that possible? I found that Redirects in settings will only redirect URLs that return 404, so I'm probably looking for something else. Or a guide to configure ...
Roald Haahr
28/01/2021 10:30:45
Last post: 28/01/2021 11:22:15
Error when deleting language layer
Hi there, I am getiting the following exception when deleting a language layer: Sql Exception occurred In ParagraphRepository.GetParagraphs: I found a related thread suggesting to change the compatibility level but that didn't change anything. The si ...
Imar Spaanjaars
16/01/2021 12:43:58
Last post: 27/01/2021 23:05:51
Quick way to clear the trash can
Hi there, I have a solution that has185 pages worth of old stuff in the content trash can. Is there a way to get rid of them all? There's no Empty Trash command, so now I have to select all items on the current page, then click Empty selected items a ...
Imar Spaanjaars
27/01/2021 20:30:01
Last post: 27/01/2021 21:20:43
ItemRelationList incorrect date format
Hi, I wanted to save a list of dates so I made an ItemRelationList for Dates. (See my image for the complete story) Now when I select a date the format is; Vri, 08 Jan 2021. This is because the chosen admin login language is Nederlands. Although when ...
Maik Van Sark
27/01/2021 15:22:40
Last post: 27/01/2021 18:11:23
Seperator error in excel/csv export
Due to usage of the sign ; in form input fields, exports to excel/csv show errors. The data in the inputfield (= ;) is used to seperate the text to a new column. Is there a way to use different seperators in our DynamicWeb forms? Or perhaps another w ...
21/01/2021 12:23:54
Last post: 21/01/2021 15:51:13
Deployment tool - Filters for Forms for editors data type don’t seem to work
When comparing forms for editors in the deployment tool, above my list of differences in Forms for Editors I have this: Selecting any of the boxes has no effect. The checkbox in front of each change category should show / hide the associated change r ...
Imar Spaanjaars
04/01/2021 21:45:36
Last post: 21/01/2021 11:20:28
Handling Razor Parsing and runtime exceptions
Hi there, We're seeing more and more issues with errors in Razor templates; either because of a parser error (which we can usually fix ourselves) or a runtime error. As an example, I attached a SQL time out error that happened when accessing an area  ...
Imar Spaanjaars
04/04/2016 21:25:42
Last post: 19/01/2021 17:31:58
"No layout selected for website" when sending email
Hi there. I am having some trouble with sending marketing emails after updating to 9.6.7 from 9.4.11. We have 3 sites under our solution and we can send an email from one of them but not the other two. When previewing the email under the content tree ...
Asdis Gudmundsdottir
24/09/2019 19:04:53
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Using Okta for backend authentication
Hello, Is Okta confirmed as supported for logging into the backend? I can use it for frontend authentication, but when trying to use it for the backend, I get an error "Incorrect username or password". The steps that I've taken are: Log into the fron ...
Scott Forsyth
01/01/2021 23:03:40
Last post: 15/01/2021 04:00:24
editing pages, paragraphs in backend
Hi, I am getting this error page whenever I click on any of my pages in backend, or right-click -> click properties: This happens on every page across languages andwebsites, and also right-click-> properties on folders produces error. Also it s ...
Frederik Gadegaard
12/01/2021 15:52:37
Last post: 13/01/2021 16:16:43
Recommendation for avoiding problems when changes are made to selectable item fields
Hi We have a recurring issue of creating items using selectable fields. As long as the values stay the way they started out from start, it no problem. But if you have to change some of the values, eg. because of a spelling error or a namechange etc,  ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
12/01/2021 13:58:40
Last post: 13/01/2021 10:19:51
Send 404 with alternative image
Hi, I've been testing the functionality of the 'Send 404 with alternative image' checkbox, to try and make it possible to report on missing images. The objective is to be able to run an automatic tool to find all broken images in a website This is ne ...
Mafalda Correa
07/01/2021 14:04:23
Last post: 12/01/2021 14:09:19