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pdf/UA compliant and ironPDF

Jan Sangill


Dynamicweb is using IronPDF. When generating PDF's via the URL - so it generates the html to PDF - the PDF generated is not pdf/UA compliant.

Is this something IronPDF supports?

For accecibility porpuses we need this. Let me know.



Nicolai Pedersen

I do not know. Cannot find anything in their docs.

Jan Sangill

Hi Nicolai,

I have been in contact with them - and they do not support this yet.

In the future, perhaps in DW 10 - is this something you may plan on supporting in DW? Or are you planning to use IronPDF and just hope they implement this feature?

I have  customers who need all aspects to be accecible. Also the PDF's generated. I can obviously look for other libraries - but would be nice if it was doable natively.

I promised my customer to ask nicely:)



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