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Copying user does not copy User type
Hi, We are using User and Group types to manage our records. So far this has been usefull and looks like this What we're noticing is that when you copy a user, the user type is not copied. https://www.screenca ...
Nuno Aguiar
09/10/2020 14:33:56
Last post: 12/10/2020 13:15:59
Explaination on Export data in Email Marketing
Hi everyone, Good Day! There are "export" function on emial marketing. Yes, I want to check is regarding exported data there. There are the data when we exported in email. But I am not sure the Order data become 133.4. So, can someone help me to shar ...
Nay Chi Phyo
09/10/2020 06:16:46
Last post: 12/10/2020 04:55:13
Country field for user
Hi, When creating a user there is a dropdown-field for "Billing / Shipping country". Beofre there were a textfield "Country". I have been using the "Users" for displaying retailers in a solution. I have indexed them with a UserIndexBuilder and displa ...
Aki Ruuskanen
15/06/2020 10:00:37
Last post: 09/10/2020 07:58:50
Extranet and Admin users with the same password
Hi guys, I have a situation where I need to support 2 different users (one for front-end and one for back-end) using the same email address. I can define them in the system without any issues, but I don't seem to be able to authenticate in Admin. Is  ...
Adrian Ursu
07/10/2020 15:39:27
Last post: 07/10/2020 17:01:13
Shared Translations
Hi, I cannot see that it is possible to create translations keys in the "Shared" directly from the templates. Is that so or am I missing something? Regards / Aki ...
Aki Ruuskanen
19/05/2020 16:53:28
Last post: 07/10/2020 09:08:45
Tracking unique visitors
Hello, is there or will there be a way to generate a session report showing unique visitors? Something like repeated visits within a period of time from the same IP would be useful information, since Google Analytics no longer displays IP information ...
Martin Christensen
05/10/2020 13:00:22
Last post: 06/10/2020 11:47:22
Auto setting meta data on subpages
Hi, We have a customer running in, who reported that newly created subpages (in this case a 3rd level) it automatically prepopulates the meta data from the parent (in this case from the 1st level). Is there a setting I don't know about that  ...
Nuno Aguiar
02/10/2020 11:48:00
Last post: 02/10/2020 17:34:47
Remember me on this computer
Hi After upgrading to DW v9.9.1 the checkmark "Remember me on this computer" (the login form to the Admin) is being set to off after logging out of the backend. Is this a bug? ...
Lars Larsen
01/10/2020 09:05:19
Last post: 01/10/2020 17:14:58
Email Marketing - understanding links
Hi, I am having a hard time reading through the code to understand a few things with Email Marketing: Google Analytics tracking It adds the prefix "linkparam_" to all parameters - how and where is it stripped out and/or enabling Google Analytics to t ...
Nuno Aguiar
30/09/2020 12:13:17
Last post: 01/10/2020 13:26:20
Email marketing - Scheduled emails not being sent with content if Unpublished
We have had a customer reporting that scheduled emails were being sent without content, which we found out they were using an Unpublished page and although it's easy to fix shouldn't we prevent this from happening? For example: - Show the content eve ...
Fabio Monte
30/09/2020 13:25:15
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Redirect on images
Hi, We try to use the redirect module to redirect an old image url (.png/.jpg) to new location. /Files/Images/test.png to /Files/Images/newlocation/test.png But this returns the 404 page. It does work for other file extensions. Is there a way to make ...
Jesse Bakker
30/09/2020 11:33:48
Last post: 30/09/2020 13:19:43
Bug in control panel/filemanager - different behaviour when uploading frontend compared to backend
Hi I have an item creator, where I allow visitors to upload files from frontend. Now I don´t want filenames to contain comma, as that is what I use as the split-seperator when I later seperate the elements to an array (we allow multiple file uploads) ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
10/09/2020 09:42:01
Last post: 30/09/2020 13:06:13
Failed to load image .ai and .eps
Hi, We tried to load an image with the extension .ai and .eps, and now it's impossible to even access the folder. When trying to access the folder to erase the image, I get this error: Even if the image isn't ...
Mafalda Correa
29/09/2020 15:45:12
Last post: 30/09/2020 01:44:27
Read properties from Column Item
Hi guys, I have a situation where I need to access some properties of the Column Item in the template for ProductList feed. I am basically trying to accomplish something similar with how the properties are read in the Printable papers setup but using ...
Adrian Ursu
28/09/2020 22:58:07
Last post: 29/09/2020 22:56:19
Custom subject in email - Forms for datalist
Hi Have searched high and low, anybody who can tell me if its possible to create a custom subject generated by input fields on the page form? The APP is the old forms for datalists. Tried with an input field named FormSubject, but that didnt work. BR ...
Peter Klünder
29/09/2020 13:50:52
Last post: 29/09/2020 15:59:16
Email to inactive users
Hi, We are migrating a site to DW, including the users from the old site. We need to send them a mail to renew its passwords and activate their accounts (the accounts are inactive by default, as they didn't give permission yet for the new site). We p ...
Tomas Gomez
18/09/2020 12:31:08
Last post: 28/09/2020 11:11:41
Users - Is it possible to assign different default mailtamplates to different groups?
Hi We have a costumer that will send different mails to different usergroups. Content of these mails is very different. It´s a bit of a hassle that they have to choose a different mailtemplate manually. Is it not possible to set a default mailtemplat ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
21/09/2020 09:57:14
Last post: 23/09/2020 13:15:42
Limit login from only one browser at a time for a single account in extranet login
is there anyway to login only from one browser at a time for a single account in extranet? ...
Shiwanka Chathuranga
22/09/2020 13:16:05
Last post: 23/09/2020 04:45:06
Item type 'Show only if' bug
Hi, I was trying to hide/show a item type group based on the Hide Title boolean. Hide Title is False by default and my group should only show if Hide Title, but when I open the paragraph for the first time, the group doesn't show. See the repro: http ...
Mafalda Correa
22/09/2020 16:46:11
Last post: 23/09/2020 01:03:15
Deployment Tool issue with Users and Jobs
Hi, I ran into a particular problem with the Deployment Tool. My scenario to deploy: New user group Data Integration Job using User Provider The issue happened because I need a new user group, which due to the fact different environments will have di ...
Nuno Aguiar
21/09/2020 11:35:17
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