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Import csv language file to DW

Siv Hansen
Siv Hansen

I exported the Norwegian language from Settings->System ->User Interface and then export Norwegian to csv.

I imported the file into files/files/some-filename.csv and opened in Excel. Did the changes I wanted and then tried to import it again.

I get "some lines are not imported due to incorrect format". No lines was imported.

I chose semicolon as output format for export and saved the file - also with semicolon as separator.

This is my edited csv file


I see in the output file from DW, all the strings has quotes around them. This is the file from DW export

The quotes disappear when I import them in Excel.

Any tips on how to edit this file in order to successfully import it back in DW?

Even when I download the exported file and uploads it directly, I get an error message.

How do I solve this? 


Nicolai Pedersen

You have to export it in the right format from excel.

You know this is the translation of the backend, right. Will be overridden the next time the solution is updated.

Siv Hansen
Siv Hansen

To your second question: yes.

To the first: "right format" what is that? I export it as comma separated csv, but still i get the errors.

Nicolai Pedersen

It has to be the same format as you get out - you are missing the quotes...


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