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Forum » CMS - Standard features
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Promotion products
Hey DW, Are the promotion product paragraph able to keep the sorting as added ? I know the query can do sorting though it doesn'y seem to affect manually added products - I would expect the order it's added to be respected by the standard template :) ...
Claus Ørum-Petersen
20/05/2019 12:10:02
Last post: 28/10/2019 10:39:47
Save version of pages/paragraphs as default
Hi Is there a way so congifure a solution to save versions of pages/paragraphs as default, without the editor having to manually turning it on for each page/paragraph they create? /Hans ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
27/10/2019 12:21:35
Last post: 28/10/2019 09:10:51
SQL injection
Hi Team, Is there a way to whitelist an IP while leaving the SQL injection ban in place? We are seeing instances where our clients IPs are getting blocked. The specific version I am looking into is 89.2.20. I know it is old, but we can't force people ...
Terri Donahue
22/10/2019 19:24:16
Last post: 23/10/2019 16:42:29
Data Lists and Form For Datalists capabilities
Hi First of all, I must state that I have no Experience what so ever using Data Lists and Forms For Data Lists, so bare with me if this is a silly question. But I have at costumer who needs a booking system for booking time slots for meeting. And alo ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
23/10/2019 12:40:07
Last post: 23/10/2019 13:49:20
Having issues setting up custom domains for multiple websites with customized urls
Hi We are hosting multiple websites in a single instance of Dynamic Web hosted in Azure. We have been developing using a unique website url (the Use in Url setting in Website Settings) in order to ensure unique urls and now we are in the process of s ...
Steve Knutson
21/10/2019 02:43:10
Last post: 23/10/2019 10:23:39
RichText editor - slow loading...
Hi, I'm working on a Azure hosted site right now, (DW 9.6.13) and when you open an item/paragraph with a RichText editor on it, the editor takes forever to load. When inspecting the network traffic it looks like /Admin/Editor/ckeditor/styles.ashx tak ...
Jacob Storgaard Jensen
18/10/2019 12:42:19
Last post: 23/10/2019 10:22:41
Content Index - querying sub pages/items
Yo! Is it possible to query all children, grandchildren and so on from a PageID using Content Index and queries? I can only figure out how to get the direct children using a query like "Get all items/pages with ParentID = X". But I really want the ot ...
Lars Pham
22/10/2019 16:34:43
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Problem with updating queries and facet
Hi there. We are having problem when we add or change a field in a query and/or facet. If a product catalouge is using that query and facet, it doesnt update the facet list until we deselect the query and reselect it. We tried building the index and  ...
Asdis Gudmundsdottir
22/10/2019 15:37:15
Last post: 22/10/2019 16:04:56
Multiple webshops with languages and currencies
I have a challenge in an international shop and translations The customer wants to sell products in three stores; * Danish store - sells to people in Denmark. .dk domain, content and product info should be available in Danish and English, but prices  ...
Jonas Krarup Dam
08/10/2019 13:37:20
Last post: 22/10/2019 15:03:19
Extranet User Management caching user when server side validation is used via UserValidated Notification Subscriber
Hi We are using a NotificationSubscriber in order to provide some server side validation of the User when updating their User Profile via the UserValidated ntofification. We have noted however that the invalid fields are being cached (but not persist ...
Steve Knutson
16/10/2019 03:49:47
Last post: 22/10/2019 14:36:41
How to sort products on top selling
Hi. Is it possible to sort products on top sellers? I can't seem to find any documentation regarding this. ...
Mikkel Belchuke
17/10/2019 07:17:07
Last post: 22/10/2019 14:30:24
Error when saving
Hi, One of our customers gets an error when trying to SAVE and CLOSE item based pages a few times in a row. We cannot reproduce it ourselves. The customer gets an error message which does not help us forward. There is no proxy in their network, they  ...
Gert Janssen
21/10/2019 16:19:57
Last post: 22/10/2019 14:03:20
After saving my paragraph, the change isn't updated
Hi I have a problem with saving the new images and URL in the original paragraph container. I was trying to update the images and URL, but it is not affected after saving it. It returns back the original images and URL. Sometimes, I can save it. But  ...
Nay Chi Phyo
02/09/2019 09:42:44
Last post: 22/10/2019 10:59:10
Translation error in admin
Hi, Could you fix the translation in the admin for customer_number for the german language. Had a weird discussion today with a German customer who could not find that field, only after comparing screenshots it appeared that it is translated to "Tele ...
Hans Kloppenborg
14/10/2019 13:17:45
Last post: 17/10/2019 15:41:10
Using CartViewModel with 'Shopping cart': Unable to render view model template because no view model has been set.
Hi, Using 9.7.2, we are trying to render a 'Shopping cart' step inheriting from Dynamicweb.Frontend.CartViewModel. However, leading the template with @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.CartViewModel> will resul ...
Roald Haahr Jensen
09/10/2019 12:27:32
Last post: 11/10/2019 11:18:26
Feature request in paragraph container
I would really like to have the option of setting a class or an ID on a paragraph container, so that I can target my CSS more accurate. I'm testing on rapido 3.2 ...
Siv Hansen
10/10/2019 14:31:46
Last post: 10/10/2019 17:57:44
Pages on language layers - Paragraphs not published
Hi guys. One quick question. When I create new page it is created in all language layers but all paragraphs are not published. I think i saw somwhere option to turn this to published by default but now I cant find it. We are running 9.6.9 version wit ...
Ivan Marijanović
10/10/2019 09:50:10
Last post: 10/10/2019 13:20:43
Emails are always scheduled in Email Marketing even it is Send Now.
Hi all, I create a new email to send out with email marketing tool. I try with 'Send Now' button but the email is moved to Scheduled list and my email was scheduled. Kindly check the attached images. Could you please advise me? ...
Khaing May Thaw
08/10/2019 10:48:06
Last post: 09/10/2019 04:06:29
ProductListViewModel not returned expected values
Hi, I am currently setting a product list up on a new project running version 9.7.1, where I am inheriting from a ViewModelTemplate<ProductListViewModel>. However, when calling some of the properties and methods accessible on the model, some un ...
Roald Haahr Jensen
02/10/2019 16:51:50
Last post: 04/10/2019 16:35:36
Permissions on Ecommerce do no longer work after upgrade from 9.7.0
Hello, We had an issue where we could not set the permissions on the Ecommerce admin menu correctly (see ), this was solved ...
Hans Kloppenborg
04/10/2019 11:11:12
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