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Forum » CMS - Standard features
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Turn of Dw version in HTML source code?
Is there a way to turn off the Dynamicweb version in the HTML source code? For example, this is line 15 in the HTML source code on one of my sites: <meta name="generator" content="Dynamicweb 8" /> The customer has extreme security requirements  ...
Sean Meade
10/04/2019 18:46:25
Last post: 10/04/2019 19:43:50
Multiple analyzers on Custom field type
Hi, I was following the documentation creating a custom field type in a Repository and noticed a bug. I reproduced what's in the documentation and even states we can create multiple analyzers, but then it only saves the last: The UI and documentation ...
Nuno Aguiar
04/03/2019 19:25:45
Last post: 10/04/2019 12:42:34
Downloadable documents for a product
Hi, How do we configure multiple downloadable documents for a product? Refer to the image for clearer visualization. Regards, Afi ...
08/03/2019 09:43:24
Last post: 09/04/2019 18:06:10
Hi, We want to redirect to, because we made a change in the url. We would like to redirect the old url to the new url. We made a redirect 301 but o ...
Gerard Kocks
29/03/2019 09:51:23
Last post: 09/04/2019 12:10:52
Time out after upgrading to 9,6,5
Hi, I upgraded a staging enviroment to 9.6.5 and after that I get time outs on the solutions. Looks like "CollectProductsCountByGroupsForNavigation" is the last thing called. Stack trace: [Win32Exception (0x80004005): ...
Aki Ruuskanen
05/04/2019 12:39:25
Last post: 05/04/2019 16:02:47
Collecting consent on user Create/Edit
Hi guys, From the documentation I understand that I can only collect consent for one Activity when the User is created or Edited using the Extranet App. Is this something that's gonna change in the future? I can easily see a few situations where a si ...
Adrian Ursu
17/01/2019 15:34:45
Last post: 04/04/2019 16:16:22
Index Queries empty fields
Hi guys We are experiencing empty fields on a index query (attached image). What could cause this issue. If we select another index as a source, we get the fields back. ...
Jens Mouritzen
03/04/2019 21:13:46
Last post: 04/04/2019 12:42:23
Stock location in product page
Hi, I have added 2 stock locations for a product with the same unit. However, in the frontend of the product page, the stock location is displayed as units in the dropdown. Refer to the images attached. Is there a configuration to change this to say, ...
03/04/2019 11:46:22
Last post: 04/04/2019 06:20:28
Access restriction bypass via origin spoof
Hi, One of our clients are using Blackstone One to check their website for security breaches. They have received a couple of warnings about "Access restriction bypass via origin spoof", where Blackstone One gives the following description: "Blackston ...
Kurt Moskjær Andersen
03/04/2019 13:00:32
Last post: 03/04/2019 15:01:06
Get parent ID from page template
Yo! Is it possible to get the parent pageID from a subpage on the page template? Page A Subpage 1 Subpage 2 (I want to retrieve the page ID from "Page A" from a page template here) Page B ...
Lars Pham
03/04/2019 14:31:27
Last post: 03/04/2019 14:50:14
UserManagement Create/edit user via frontend – Existing users – New Consents are not registered
Hi, We have a client where they have multiple websites on the same DW solution. On each website there is a Newsletter sign-up form (UserManagement) with an e-mail field and a consent checkbox. Each form has different consent activities attached. If a ...
Jacob Storgaard Jensen
02/04/2019 12:37:27
Last post: 02/04/2019 15:43:52
List languages/websites with permissions
Hi guys, I have a situation on a website where I need to create a bunch of new language layers and websites but I need to keep them invisible in the language layer selector until the Content admin manages everything. What would be the best approach t ...
Adrian Ursu
02/04/2019 14:59:28
Last post: 02/04/2019 15:29:38
No layout landing page
Hi, I want to create a fresh landing page for email marketing with no header and footer. I selected Rapido's nolayout.cshtml as the layout for that page (Refer to first image). I created and configured the first paragraph to occupy half of the page a ...
20/02/2019 15:39:12
Last post: 29/03/2019 16:56:34
Cookiemanager Dynamicweb.CookieOptInLevel removed after logout
Hello, In our solution we use the DW cookiemanager. When a user logs out, the Dynamicweb.CookieOptInLevel cookie is removed and the cookie bar pops up again. Why is the Dynamicweb.CookieOptInLevel cookie removed? Second problem; when someone logs out ...
Maik Van Sark
20/03/2019 11:46:03
Last post: 27/03/2019 12:03:30
Permission denied message is in Danish
Hi, The message for denied access permission is shown in Danish. Refer to attached image. May I know how do we change this to English? Regards, Afi ...
25/03/2019 11:41:38
Last post: 27/03/2019 05:39:59
Order by field in item list with item publisher
Using v8.9.2.21, I have a situation where I need to order by a value that is located within an entry of an item list on a page. Is that possible? / Roald ...
Roald Haahr Jensen
21/03/2019 15:48:18
Last post: 22/03/2019 09:03:15
URL Generation
I have a couple questions about URL generation. Are there any levers to control the URLs that are generated? I believe that it's generated at runtime and can't be overwritten, but I'm hopeful that there's something that I'm not aware of. Also, are th ...
Scott Forsyth
08/03/2019 16:05:40
Last post: 20/03/2019 14:50:05
CKEditor gets removed from DOM
Hey DW, We are having some trouble on a site where the ckeditor gets removed in the DOM after the content is loaded - tried to copy over the files from a clean DW 9 installation and create a new editor config, but the editor still gets replaced by a  ...
Claus Ørum-Petersen
18/03/2019 10:12:33
Last post: 19/03/2019 09:31:22
Error details in monitoring
Hi guys. I am trying to monitor and optimize one of our solutions. I have started looking into the monitoring section, which is pretty cool, and I was wondering if there is any way to identify the page that generated an error in the event viewer. I s ...
Adrian Ursu
16/03/2019 12:52:25
Last post: 18/03/2019 17:01:21
ItemTypes Files or Databse?
Hi guys, Is there any performance difference between storing the ItemTypes as Files or in Database? Thank you, Adrian ...
Adrian Ursu
18/03/2019 13:31:24
Last post: 18/03/2019 15:56:01