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Forum » CMS - Standard features
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Set permission default user
Hi, For our customer we start using the new permission model. But since that moment default users don't see anything after logging in (see attachement). Where can I set that default users see everything except the settings part? Best regar ...
Gerard Kocks
21/02/2019 11:17:52
Last post: 21/02/2019 14:45:12
Schedule recurring E-mail longer than 3- days
We would like to schedule a recurring reminder mail every half year. We’ve tried it using the marketing module but we can only set the recurring mails to an maximum of 30 days (see picture 1). Is it possible to create the possibility to define your o ...
Gerard Kocks
20/02/2019 12:38:39
Last post: 20/02/2019 16:46:23
Forms for editors and custom validation
Is there a way to set regular expressions or other validators for fields in a Forms for Editors form? ...
Imar Spaanjaars
20/02/2019 15:55:35
Last post: 20/02/2019 16:26:58
Annoying bug in item publisher module
If you set an item publisher to publish items under a specifik page, and later delete this page - you get a fatal error when you try to get into the module settings to change the target of the item publisher to get the items from. This shouldn´t have ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
04/12/2018 16:42:38
Last post: 20/02/2019 14:42:17
Customer center - order print
Hi in version 9.4.18 we have some issues with the customer center module. When the paragraph module settings are set for user id and the you are logged in to the system with a user that does not contain a customer number, you are able to see the conf ...
Rui Silva
06/12/2018 15:24:00
Last post: 19/02/2019 15:15:32
Image Focal Point - how to set it up in the template
Hi I´ve been looking at the release notes, and searching the forum - for how to use the image focal point in the template, but no luck Anybody who can how i activate it in the template? Is it a parameter for the getimage.ashx like eg. Crop=FocalPoint ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
31/01/2019 10:49:24
Last post: 19/02/2019 01:51:30
Difference between MatchAny, Contains and In
Hi there, When building a query for a repository and adding a field of type string[], I can choose between MatchAny, Contains and In for the match. What's the difference between these? The docs just mention that they exist, not what they are used for ...
Imar Spaanjaars
13/02/2019 20:38:00
Last post: 18/02/2019 11:38:04
New navigation?
Hi, In some webinar I remeber seeing something about a new way to render Navigation without the xslt templates. I cannot find anything in any documentation. Am I searching poorly or isn't there any documentation about it? Regards / Aki ...
Aki Ruuskanen
15/02/2019 09:56:45
Last post: 15/02/2019 12:44:45
Set backend permissions
Hi, I want to make a backend user that can only create events. Can someone please tell me how I can set this? Best regards Gerard ...
Gerard Kocks
12/02/2019 10:30:21
Last post: 12/02/2019 17:05:25
eCom, how do i add an amount to add to cart
Probably a simple question/answer, but I cant find anything on this specific matter. In a productlist, i want to be able to chose amount/quantity for the product that is being added to cart CartV2 ofcourse. How do I do this? ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
25/11/2015 16:34:04
Last post: 12/02/2019 15:12:04
Auto index when creating/editing content
Hi, So I'm building a suggested search on all text content (pages, paragraphs and items) on a site using an index and the query publisher module. But what would be the best way to rebuild the index when content is being saved after editing or created ...
Lars Pham
08/02/2019 14:52:34
Last post: 08/02/2019 15:06:56
Print out values of System.String[] array
I've created an index in repositories that indexed all content (pages, paragraps) and I get this. ParagraphContent System.String[] Which by your documentation should contain: Paragraph content contains an array of the item type properties for each it ...
Lars Pham
07/02/2019 16:38:31
Last post: 08/02/2019 10:09:02
Search Diagnostics
Hi, More than once I get asked for a Search Diagnostic, in simple terms, "why and where did this product match the free text search" and "why didn't this product got picked up by the free text search". At first glance it's simple to explain by using  ...
Nuno Aguiar
31/01/2019 22:13:33
Last post: 07/02/2019 13:05:16
Itemtype xml file encoding
Hi When Dynamicweb saves an itemtype to the filesystem as an XML file it saves it as an UTF-8 encoded file. But in the mark up it says "UTF-16": <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" standalone="yes"?> Isn't this a bug? Wouldn't it make sense t ...
Lars Larsen
04/02/2019 15:45:31
Last post: 05/02/2019 09:29:27
Stickers on product?
Is it possible to have 2 custom stickers on a product? The documentation says nothing about this best wishes. ...
Siv Hansen
31/01/2019 09:40:05
Last post: 31/01/2019 13:08:08
Product feeds
My webshop customer would like product feeds to various services, such as Kelkoo Google Shopping (identisk med Facebook-feed) Prisjakt Shoppello Prisguide Facebook feed (markedsføringsøyemed) How do I activate these services? ...
Siv Hansen
31/01/2019 09:28:52
Last post: 31/01/2019 12:47:05
Facets and queries with multiple comma values
Hi Dynamicweb, im having issues with multiple seleceted comma values in a facet, atm. all the comma values are splitted in the facet list even when i use the datatype String. i have tried restarting the app pool to see if it was server caching even r ...
Jannich Ariyanayagam
30/01/2019 16:07:12
Last post: 31/01/2019 12:33:30
image search based on keywords in file manager and content
I would like to locate my images easily based on search terms. For example, when I upload an image, either in the file manager or in the paragraph /- container, I would like to be able to add keywords to the image for later retrieval. I see that I ha ...
Siv Hansen
31/01/2019 09:04:01
Last post: 31/01/2019 11:04:40
Difference in failures - blocked vs. bounced
Hi, Does anyone know what the difference is between failures with the reason 'Blocked' and with the reason 'Bounced'? Kind regards, Nicole Busscher ...
Nicole Busscher
30/01/2019 10:32:12
Last post: 30/01/2019 17:11:49
Webforms system field values
Hi Is it possible to put system values/data (in this example prices defined in website settings) on form dropdown values, in "Forms For Editors"? I would like to put the values (prices from website settings, "image2.png") on a list like the one on "i ...
Jens Mouritzen
29/01/2019 22:59:00
Last post: 30/01/2019 09:28:05