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Extranet and usergroups

Kurt Moskjær Andersen
Kurt Moskjær Andersen


I've setup the Extranet-module with impersonation. When a user logs in, he is automatically impersonating the admin-user of the usergroup.

I would like him to be able to create new users in the specific usergroup and will be using the standard functionality in the Extranet-module, to create a new user.

I don't want to specify groups for him to select, as the new user should automatically be added to the current group.

I've tried iterating through the Group-loop of the current user, but what tags should I use, in order for the Extranet-modul to assign the correct usergroup to the new user?

Best regards
Kurt Moskjaer Andersen


Kurt Moskjær Andersen
Kurt Moskjær Andersen




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