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Forum » CMS - Standard features » IP banned several times

IP banned several times

Roald Haahr Jensen


A customer running an intranet on a version 9.5.1 installation of DynamicWeb have their IP's banned on a regular basis for no apparent reason. Last time it happened to them was because one of them attempted to create a post through a regular frontend form. He got the following message in the log:

2018-10-05T14:34:08;Injection ban: Match on Besked_IT (((\%3C)|<|\[)((\%2F)|\/)*(?:script|url|a\W|img|svg|iframe)+.*?((\%3E)|>|\]))

What might be causing this, and how can it be solved? Preferably without allowing SQL injections.

/ Roald


Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Roald

From the log you can read that the content submitted in field "Besked_IT" was blocked by the regex you see.

To avoid that, you have 3 options

  1. Disable SQL injection all over (NOT recommended)
  2. Do not enable post of content like this
  3. Add that field name to the positive list

Check out the docs:

BR Nicolai

Roald Haahr Jensen

Hi Nicolai

Thanks for the clarification.

Option 3 seems to be the option that suits this case better. Where do I find this positive list?

/ Roald

Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Roald

If you click the link to the manual and reads that, I am sure you can find it - look for the "ignore the following fields" field.

BR Nicolai


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